
英 [ˈtɜːnəˌraʊndz] 美 [ˈtɜrnəˌraʊndz]

n.  (轮船、飞机的)终点装卸时间; (接活到交活之间的)周转期,时限; 好转; 起色; 转机


  1. N-COUNT (观点、态度或方法的)彻底转变,完全改变
    A turnaround is a complete change in opinion, attitude, or method.
    1. I have personally never done such a complete turnaround in my opinion of a person...
    2. I don't see any vast turnarounds in the way we do business.
  2. N-COUNT (尤指生意或经济的)突然好转,起色,转机
    A turnaround is a sudden improvement, especially in the success of a business or a country's economy.
    1. The deal marks a turnaround in the fortunes of South Wales Electricity...
    2. A new survey shows signs of a turnaround in Northern California's housing market.
  3. N-VAR 工作所需时间;(飞机或轮船卸货的)停航时间
    The turnaround or turnaround time of a task, for example the unloading of an aircraft or ship, is the amount of time that it takes.
    1. It is possible to produce a result within 34 hours but the standard turnaround is 12 days...
      有可能在 34 小时之内得出结果,但正常的周期是 12 天。
    2. The agency should reduce turnaround time by 11 per cent.
      该代理机构应削减 11% 的周转时间。


  1. I don't see any vast turnarounds in the way we do business.
  2. Furthermore, he notes, when big-tech turnarounds do work, they are slow and painful.
  3. Their complementary skills, helped Apple ( AAPL) engineer one of the most remarkable turnarounds in American history.
  4. All three of those companies are in the midst of turnarounds of different kinds.
  5. There are few examples of value stories in large cap technology where high-profile turnarounds both worked and occurred in short order.
  6. Easterbrook seems to be a superb choice& as a brand steward and past top operating executive in Europe, he led triumphant turnarounds and engineered the very successful introduction of organic, healthy foods in the core menu.
  7. Excellent management is usually critical to successful turnarounds.
  8. The two Chicago exchanges have performed remarkable turnarounds in the past decade after having lagged European rivals in the shift to electronic trading.
  9. Adelman has so far engineered one of the most impressive turnarounds in the league this season, even after playing significant stretches without his star players.
  10. Since then he has orchestrated one of the greatest turnarounds in corporate history, making apple into the hottest brand in consumer electronics.
  11. Turnarounds in the median for emergency and maintenance vehicles will be permitted if deceleration and acceleration lanes meeting FDOT requirements are provided.
  12. I am hearing from consulting firms there is still a lot of demand for their services, but more on the cost-cutting side of things, he said, adding that he was interested in working on turnarounds and restructuring.
  13. Meanwhile, the west also experienced four turnarounds of text, linguistics, reader acceptance and civil research. During this process two dislocations occurred on the Chinese and Western literary theory criticizing research.