Conspiracy theories aside, tussles between activists and industrialists have held projects back. 先不谈什么阴谋论,行动主义者与实业家之间的角力已导致若干工程搁浅。
The Ho saga has prompted fresh scrutiny of other firms that will soon face succession tussles. 何家的一系列争产事件已引发对即将面临继承纷争的其它公司全新的审视。
Our community hopes to have learned from the experience to organize future projects so they will be less vulnerable to fluctuations and political tussles. 我们的团队希望从这段经验中,学习如何组织未来的计画,使得它们不会因为种种变故和政争所害。
The legal tussles usually end in cross-licensing deals, in which small sums of money change hands. 这些合法争斗也大都以相互授权作为结束,期间只转手少量的钱。
But what's different today is that the tussles as well as the triumphs increasingly involve India – the emerging Asian power whose economic clout in Latin America could soon rival China's. 但是当下不同的是,无论是贸易纠纷还是合作成功都日益偏向印度&这个亚洲新兴大国,其在拉美地区的势力可能不久将与中国势均力敌。
And why only snakes? Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; no running rights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits-just a bite and no more effort needed. 但是,为什么只有蛇才有毒液呢?如果猫有了毒液就会受益非浅,不必与凶猛的大老鼠追逐搏斗,也毋需与成年的兔子扭打不休,只要咬上一口就足够了。
Ministers meeting at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva announced that they had updated the government procurement agreement ( GPA), a pact between 42 member countries, overcoming last-minute tussles between the EU and Japan. 在日内瓦参加世界贸易组织(WTO)会议的各国贸易部长们宣布,在最后一刻克服了欧盟(EU)与日本之间的分歧后,他们修订了42个成员国之间的政府采购协议(GPA)。
Mr Iacocca's eponymous memoir ends, after fierce tussles with critics who tried to stymie federal loan guarantees, with Chrysler put back on its feet by the US taxpayer. 艾柯卡那部以他自己名字命名的回忆录以这样的事实收尾:在与试图阻止提供联邦贷款担保的批评人士进行激烈斗争后,克莱斯勒凭借美国纳税人的钱起死回生。
One former insider says recent tussles looked as if the siloviki were paving the way for a takeover of power. 一位曾是内部人士的知情者表示,最近的争斗看起来像是“强力集团”在为政权交接扫清道路。
Looked at one way, this could be one of the tussles between the legislative and the executive familiar from domestic debates over healthcare, taxes, stimulus spending and much else. 一方面,这可能是人们所熟悉的立法机构与政府之间就医疗、税收、刺激支出以及其它许多国内争论的角力之一。
Both companies are involved in several tit-for-tat legal tussles over patent rights. 两家公司都卷入了几次对专利权利的针锋相对的法律角力。
The children's fate, even more than family finances, can be the source of the hottest legal tussles. 孩子的命运比起家庭的财产来更是一个炙手可热的法律争端的根源。
They need no running fights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits. 它们不必奔跑着与大又凶的老鼠搏斗了,也不必跟大兔子扭斗了。
The magazine has had a series of tussles with Asian governments. 该杂志曾与亚洲多国政府发生争执。
Fans of less mainstream sports could find synchronised swimming on Oxygen, or segue from the usual verbal tussles on MSNBC to other forms of wrestling. 不那么主流运动的爱好者可以通过Oxygen频道收看花样游泳比赛,或从MSNBC频道常见的口舌之争转到其它形式的摔跤比赛。
To avoid another broken connection, Bharti is tiptoeing carefully round South African sensitivities tussles over control of the combined group snagged talks last time round. 为避免关系再次破裂,bharti正小心翼翼地绕开南非的敏感问题围绕合并后集团控制权的争斗,是上次谈判触礁的原因所在。
China announced yesterday it will impose a second round of tariffs on imports of US chicken products of as much as 31.4 per cent, raising the temperature in the ongoing trade tussles between the two countries. 中国昨日宣布将对从美国进口的肉鸡产品开征第二轮关税,税率最高达31.4%,此举导致两国之间的持续贸易角力升温。
Similar tussles are playing out within governments across the region as they grapple with their protectionist instincts amid a pronounced slump in trade. 整个亚太地区各国政府内部,都在上演类似的角力,在贸易额显著下滑之际,它们都在努力克制着自己的保护主义本能。
Chinese martial arts film always implied the rooted Chinese cultural ethic which supported the whole spirit frame of a martial arts kingdom in its performing tussles and twisting story narration. 中国武侠电影在它极具表演性的武术对打和曲折逶婉故事情节中,隐含一种根深蒂固的、中国式的文化伦理,它是支撑整个武侠王国的精神构架。