
英 [ˈtʌslz] 美 [ˈtʌslz]

n.  扭打,争斗,争执(尤指为了争得物品)
v.  扭打,争斗(尤指为了争夺物品)


  1. V-RECIP 扭打;厮打
    If one person tussles with another, or if they tussle, they get hold of each other and struggle or fight.
    1. They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff...
    2. He grabbed my microphone and we tussled over that...
    3. James and Elliott tussled.
    4. Tussle is also a noun.
    5. The referee booked him for a tussle with the goalie.
  2. V-RECIP 争夺;争抢;争斗
    If one person tussles with another for something, or if they tussle for it, they try to beat each other in order to get it.
    1. Pezzo tussled for fourth place with Orvosova...
    2. Officials tussled over who had responsibility for the newly fashionable unemployment agenda.
    3. Tussle is also a noun.
    4. ...a legal tussle over who gets custody of the children.
  3. VERB 全力应对;竭力解决
    If someone tussles with a difficult problem or issue, they try hard to solve it.
    1. He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation.


  1. Conspiracy theories aside, tussles between activists and industrialists have held projects back.
  2. The Ho saga has prompted fresh scrutiny of other firms that will soon face succession tussles.
  3. Our community hopes to have learned from the experience to organize future projects so they will be less vulnerable to fluctuations and political tussles.
  4. The legal tussles usually end in cross-licensing deals, in which small sums of money change hands.
  5. But what's different today is that the tussles as well as the triumphs increasingly involve India – the emerging Asian power whose economic clout in Latin America could soon rival China's.
  6. And why only snakes? Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; no running rights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits-just a bite and no more effort needed.
  7. Ministers meeting at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva announced that they had updated the government procurement agreement ( GPA), a pact between 42 member countries, overcoming last-minute tussles between the EU and Japan.
  8. Mr Iacocca's eponymous memoir ends, after fierce tussles with critics who tried to stymie federal loan guarantees, with Chrysler put back on its feet by the US taxpayer.
  9. One former insider says recent tussles looked as if the siloviki were paving the way for a takeover of power.
  10. Looked at one way, this could be one of the tussles between the legislative and the executive familiar from domestic debates over healthcare, taxes, stimulus spending and much else.
  11. Both companies are involved in several tit-for-tat legal tussles over patent rights.
  12. The children's fate, even more than family finances, can be the source of the hottest legal tussles.
  13. They need no running fights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits.
  14. The magazine has had a series of tussles with Asian governments.
  15. Fans of less mainstream sports could find synchronised swimming on Oxygen, or segue from the usual verbal tussles on MSNBC to other forms of wrestling.
  16. To avoid another broken connection, Bharti is tiptoeing carefully round South African sensitivities tussles over control of the combined group snagged talks last time round.
  17. China announced yesterday it will impose a second round of tariffs on imports of US chicken products of as much as 31.4 per cent, raising the temperature in the ongoing trade tussles between the two countries.
  18. Similar tussles are playing out within governments across the region as they grapple with their protectionist instincts amid a pronounced slump in trade.
  19. Chinese martial arts film always implied the rooted Chinese cultural ethic which supported the whole spirit frame of a martial arts kingdom in its performing tussles and twisting story narration.