That means a new reason for Britons to worry about the dilution of their culture, a new burden on parents'pocketbooks, and new businesses selling prom essentials such as tuxedos and corsages. 这意味着英国人又增加了一条担心本土文化被冲淡的理由,而家长们的钱包又多了一层负担,售卖男士晚礼服、女士花束等舞会必备品的新商店也纷纷冒出来了。
Men spun across the floor with other men, often dressed in identical black tuxedos. 男人们也在舞池中翩翩起舞,他们常穿着一模一样的黑色燕尾服。
With diverse textures and materials, this old-fashioned headwear is still trending, with French clothing retailer Dior Homme putting baseball caps on models wearing tuxedos to add a sense of casualness. 这个老式头饰面料质感和材质多样,现在依然流行。法国服装零售商迪奥•桀骜男装给身着晚礼服的男模搭配上棒球棒,使其略带一些休闲意味。
Well, we need to pick out the flowers and the music, and we have to decide on the tuxedos. 额,我们要挑选花和音乐,我们要决定礼服。
But at dusk each day, minivans converge outside the beach in northern Taiwan, disgorging photographers, assistants and soon-to-be married couples dressed in tuxedos and bridal gowns. 但在每天的黄昏时分,小型载客车就会从四面八方汇聚到这个台湾北部的海滩外。车上下来的有摄影师、助理、以及穿着无尾礼服与婚纱的准新人。
Indeed, security is so tight that the two PwC partners are escorted separately to the ceremony by off-duty police wearing tuxedos. 实际上,保安措施非常严密。届时,这两位普华永道合伙人将由身穿礼服的警察分别护送到典礼现场。
Hipsters have been wearing the shiny shoes for a few seasons now, but for this autumn the finish trims tuxedos, emblazons sneakers and is piped down shirt collars. 时髦人士现在已经穿了好几季的亮光鞋了,但对于今秋来说,磨光处理运用到了男士无尾半正式晚礼服、带装饰的旅游鞋和衬衫领滚边上。
Photographs showed family and friends walking into the ballroom; some wore tuxedos and a few were attired in red traditional Chinese gowns. 从现场的照片上可以看出,家人和朋友正走进舞厅,有些穿着晚礼服,有几个穿着传统的中国服装。
Typically the men are dazzling in their full-length gowns of taffeta or silk, while their wives sport fake mustaches and Armani tuxedos. 变装的男人们穿着绫罗绸缎或丝绸长袍,他们的妻子们戴着假胡须和男人小礼服。
I mean tuxedos, corsages, the limousines. 我是说燕尾服,小花束,豪华礼车。
All those treasured memories, playing on loop on a7 "by6" glowing screen in the corner of the kitchen, so Dad can enjoy a sequence of bad haircuts and worse tuxedos while he chops courgettes. 这个电子相框可以放在厨房的一角,这样老爸就可以一边切菜一边看照片,回忆曾经的囧事。