The surge has helped turn some of the richest businessmen in Africa into tycoons. 这种高速增长帮助一部分非洲最富有的生意人变成了富豪。
Tycoons who enjoy marine activities might prefer to acquire a yacht or something similar. 喜欢海上活动的大亨们可能更喜欢购买游艇或类似的商品。
Tycoons should be better able to keep their cool, so long as their bankers do too. 大亨们应该比他们更能保持冷静,只要他们的银行家能够保持冷静。
Hong Kong's residents once idolized the tycoons. 香港市民曾经视这些大亨为偶像。
But now international interest in London property is no longer the preserve of a handful of peripatetic tycoons. 但是,现在国际上对伦敦地产的兴趣,已不再局限于少数到处游走的大亨。
Tycoons and their conglomerates are even raising money again on international markets. 企业大亨们以及他们的企业甚至正再次从国际市场上筹集资金。
Indeed, several of the most prominent early tycoons ended up being investigated by the authorities. 确实,早期某些最显赫的大亨最终受到了政府机关的调查。
Often it seems that the way prospective tycoons come together is almost random. 似乎未来的巨头往往是偶然地走到了一起。
The great tycoons were fierce competitors, single-minded in their pursuit of financial success and power. 企业巨头都是激烈的竞争者,他们一心追求钱财和权势。
Along with Monaco and New York, London is among the most sought-after cities in the world for super-rich buyers, be they domestic high-net worth individuals or Russian and Middle Eastern oil tycoons. 与摩纳哥和纽约一样,伦敦也是全球超富购房者最向往的城市之一,不管他们是国内高资产净值的个人还是俄罗斯和中东石油大亨。
Why don't those "Wall Street tycoons" give in. 为什么这些“华尔街巨头”不让步?
The majority of tycoons implicated in the financial crisis emerged unscathed if somewhat poorer. 多数须对引发亚洲金融危机负责的大亨们最终都毫发无损(最多因此变得穷了一些)。
Three events in the past two months suggest the golden age of tycoons is under threat. 最近两个月发生的三起事件表明,商业大亨的黄金时代正面临威胁。
From long time ago, the most of tycoons have been to start from scratch. 从很久以前开始,就有许多商业大亨是从白手起家的。
How plausible are the numerous "rags-to-riches" stories put about by the tycoons and their fawning publicists? 富豪和奉承他们的宣传家散布的无数“白手起家”的故事有多大的可信度?
Would this be the end for the tycoons? 这会是大亨们的末日吗?
The dividends Mr Li and other Hong Kong tycoons receive from their companies are not taxed. 李嘉诚及其他香港富豪从自己公司所获股息无须缴税。
The clients of the office are all big companies, banks, and tycoons. 事务所的客户都是大公司、银行和巨富。
Tycoons typically choose those sports where their wealth can help them win. 商界大亨通常选择那些自己的财富可以帮助他们取胜的运动。
Like most Hong Kong tycoons, Li wears his Chinese patriotism on his sleeve. 和多数香港大亨一样,李嘉诚毫不掩饰他的爱国主义热情。
His strongest critics are close to the tycoons. 他最主要的批评者都与商界大亨关系密切。
Mr Li is one of only a few Hong Kong tycoons to have built truly global empires. 李嘉诚是为数不多打造了真正意义的全球商业帝国的香港大亨之一。
What Indians and Chinese make of their tycoons 印度人和中国人如何看待本国大亨
This is the case in Hong Kong and other emerging markets where tycoons are fading away. 香港和其他新兴市场面临的就是这种情况。在这些市场上,大亨们的身影正在慢慢消失。
You're quite right that some of Hong kong's biggest tycoons are shareholders in the firm. 你说的完全正确,香港的某些最大的实业巨头是这家公司的股东。
These include Hong Kong tycoons, Singapore government funds and Yale University. 这些投资者包括香港的企业大亨、新加坡政府基金和耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)。
But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel. 但麦卡锡等富有传奇色彩的石油大亨早已仙逝,新乐酒店也不复存在。