VERB 是…的典型;代表 If something or someone typifies a situation or type of thing or person, they have all the usual characteristics of it and are a typical example of it.
These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture. 这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变。
…a reaction against the achievements of science, as typified by the development of nuclear weapons. 对以核武器发展为代表的科学成就的反对
…a more intelligent and articulate breed of disc jockeys, typified by university graduate Simon Mayo. 更机智、更有口才的一类电台音乐主持人,以大学毕业生西蒙·梅奥为代表
Anna Forbes, the hardheaded barrister in This Life typifies the successful 1990s working woman. 安娜福布斯在剧中是位精明的大律师,这一角色堪称90年代成功职业女性的典范。
Indeed, energy, materials and consumer discretionary sectors remain notable laggards during the current quarter, a performance that also typifies their behaviour this year. 事实上,能源、原材料和非必需消费品板块本季度的表现仍明显落后于大盘,而且这种表现今年以来简直是家常便饭。
The white carnation is preferred because I think it typifies some of the virtues of motherhood; 选择白色康乃馨是因为我认为它象征着母亲的一些美德;
The second typifies the prevailing Romantic conception of the poetic mind. 第二个比喻代表当前盛行的浪漫派关于诗的见解。
The Glenlivet is a perfectly balanced Speyside malt that exhibits the delicacy softness that typifies the region's whiskies. 格兰威特苏格兰麦芽威士忌口感平衡,醇美柔和,浑然天成,是苏格兰斯贝塞地区麦芽威士忌的代表。
The archaeology of memory is one of the late works that typifies the style of Qiu zhijie, a world-renowned artist in conceptual images. 《记忆考古》是国际著名的观念影像艺术家邱志杰较新的代表作之一。
That spirit typifies our American family. 这一家人的精神就是全部美国家庭的写照。
A shopper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, typifies the festive spirit of the month. 在马来西亚的吉隆坡,一位购物者正在挑选本月的节日精灵。
But Tuesday they were back on schedule, with a day marked by the pomp and pageantry that typifies state visits to Britain. 不过到了星期二,一切都按原计划进行。由于这是对英国的国事访问,星期二奥巴马夫妇受到英国方面盛大欢迎典礼的接待。
Now a millionaire, he typifies the self-made man. 他成了百万富翁,可以说是白手起家的典型。
In this picture the sword typifies war and the pen typifies culture. 在这幅画里,剑代表战争,笔代表文化。
It typifies the changes seen in many western towns that once were sleepy backwaters based on mining or timber. 它是许多原本死水一潭的基于矿业或林业经济的西部城镇变革的典型。
The bank typifies many of the problems facing the industry. 美国银行所面临的问题在金融业颇具代表性。
She typifies the modern career woman. 她代表了那种现代职业女性的。
Located in the industrial city of Baotou, a megacity built on mining, the campus typifies the overstretched state of China's colleges, particularly academically average ones. 该校座落于以矿业为主的城市包头,是中国高校尤其是那些普通院校扩招的典型代表。
Like the orchid flower, it typifies the idea of charm in seclusion. The rose marks the deep friendship of the two nations. 它和兰花一样,象征着隐逸的美。这棵玫瑰花是两国深厚友谊的象征。
The ruthlessness that typifies his way of doing business. 他做事一贯那么鲁莽。
She typifies the bored housewife. 她是那种百无聊赖的家庭主妇的典型。
A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies of a more collectivist nature with close ties between individuals. 低个人主义(集体主义)文化指组织更强调个体之间紧密的联系。
Cole feels Rooney's all-action style typifies the current generation of top-flight strikers. 科尔觉得鲁尼的全能在这一代射手中是顶尖的。
That of France typifies the Assessor System, mainly adopted by countries of continental law. 参审制主要为大陆法系国家所采用,以法国为代表。
Water Margin performed by the Wang School led by Wang Shaotang just typifies the grace of the art. 王少堂所代表的“王派《水浒》”正是扬州评话艺术形态的典范。
Linguistic culturology typifies a hermeneutics starting from language, based on text and with meaning and knowledge as focus. 语言文化学倡导的正是一种从语言出发,以文本为基点、以意义与知识为指归的语言文化学阐释法。
Sao Poetry Sao Fu and needless to say, just from a variety of subjects ( Epitaph, mourning speech, Ming-Zan, Regarding) emergence of view, Sao creation of prosperity at the turn of the Song Dynasty in the situation that typifies the situation. 骚体诗骚体赋且不用说,光是从各种题材(墓志铭、哀辞、铭赞、碑记)的出现来看,骚体创作在两宋之交的繁荣状况就可见一斑了。
After the brief introduction of Chord which typifies the structured P2P network, the redundant query algorithm of Chord has been analyzed. 在对结构化P2P网络的典型代表Chord进行简要介绍之后,重点分析了Chord冗余查询信息算法。