She was somewhat unapproachable but I'm sure she wanted to be friendly. 她有些不好接近,但我确信她想表现得友好一些。
He had a kindly but unapproachable air, and he never let his glance linger on the eyes of any one. 他那神气是善良的,但又使人感到难于接近,他的目光从来不停留在别人的眼睛上。
Suddenly that unapproachable girl you had always seen from across the room was standing beside you in the smoking shed asking you for a light, Mr. Murphy added, with a smile. At least one marriage came out of that. 突然之间,你之前一直偷瞄的、房间另一端不可接近的那个女孩,现在就在吸烟室里站你的旁边,跟你借火,墨菲面带微笑说,这至少促成了一对夫妻。
These signal to people to leave you alone and make you seem extremely unapproachable. 这些信号会让人们远离你,让你看上去非常不可亲近。
Actually, he's nice to talk to, but he's got this presence that makes you feel like he's unapproachable. 其实他人很好,很容易交谈,但是他有这么一种气场,让你觉得他很不好接近。
In contrary, people who seldom smile or don't like to smile will make others consider that you are reserved and unapproachable, and sometimes they may think you are rigid, solemn and will shun you. 相反的,不笑的人或不喜欢笑的人,会让周围的人觉得你不苟言笑,难以接近。
What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism. 这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。
You are vogue and beautiful epigone, yearn for the perfect outline of cap-a-pie, blossom a glorious of unapproachable evil spirit be puzzled. 你是时尚和漂亮的追随者,渴望从头到脚的完美轮廓,绽放出无与伦比的魅惑光彩。
She is very arrogant and is always unapproachable. 她那个人非常高傲,总是拒人千里。
She fished out of holes and corners drawings and paintings, some of them by her own hand, that seemed to him unapproachable. 她从角落里翻出一些写生画和油画,其中有些是她亲手画的,这些画在他看来都可望而不可及。
She's well-stacked, but unapproachable. 她是这儿最漂亮的,但从不让人亲近。
Walter found his new charge brusque and unapproachable, the hours were incredibly long. 沃特发现他的新主人说话很少,而且不易接近。时间过得非常长。
A job applicant who won't make eye contact during an interview may be rejected for being unapproachable, when according to her culture, she was just being polite. 一个在面试中拒绝与考官眼神接触的应聘者可能不会被聘用,理由是她不够友好,而从她国家的文化来看,不进行眼神的接触仅仅是出于礼貌。
His father was an authoritarian, a rather unapproachable man of whom both soons were afraid. 他父亲是一位专制主义者,是难以接近的人,连他两个儿子都害怕。
He was becoming as unapproachable and autocratic as his father. 他正变得跟他父亲一样矜持、专横。
"As you both locked your doors at night, your rooms were unapproachable from that side. now, would you have the kindness to go into your room and bar your shutters?" “既然你们两个都锁门睡觉,你们的房间从那边是无法进入的。那么,你能进你房间挡着你的窗板吗?”
He is an unapproachable sort of person. 他是个不易亲近的人。
It also paves the way for the sequencing of crops such as wheat and barley," whose larger and more complex genomes have long been viewed as making these plants unapproachable", wrote Feuillet. 它还为测定小麦和大麦等粮食作物的序列铺平了道路,“这些作物的更大、更复杂的基因组长久以来被认为让这些植物的测序工作无法进行”,Feuillet写道。
His colleagues found him unapproachable and distant. 他的同事发现他很冷漠,不好接近。
The judge was a stern, unapproachable man. 那位法官是个严肃、难以接近的人。
The girls are close and yet unapproachable. 这些女孩是封闭而无法接近的。
The "I" in me, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable. 我的“真我”居留于沉默之屋,哪里无人知晓,也永远无法企及。
Compared with the traditional planform and computer animation, the immersion, interaction and realtime function of virtual navigating system is unapproachable. 三维虚拟漫游系统在沉浸感、交互性与实时性综合效果方面的优势是传统平面效果图与动画技术所无法比拟的。
Carbon-carbon composite ( in short, C/ C) has unapproachable advantages as brake material in the field of aviation. The friction property of C/ C is influenced by its carbon microstructure. C/C复合材料在航空领域作为摩擦制动材料具有无可比拟的优越性,其摩擦磨损性能主要决定于其炭相结构。
The unapproachable biological characteristics of spider silk determines it has broad application in many fields. 蜘蛛丝无与伦比的生物学特性决定了其在应用领域具有广阔的应用前景。
At the post cold world, America carries out positive foreign intervention policy with resort to its unapproachable national power and international standing. 冷战后美国凭借无可匹敌的国家实力和国际地位更是积极推行对外干预政策。