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  1. Magma underplating and subsequent lithospheric extension could have been the geodynamic setting responsible for the voluminous magmatism and large-scale mineralization.
  2. The Late-Carboniferous to Permian granites of Bogda area are probably the products of the partial-melting of the contemporaneous basic volcanic or underplating basic magma.
  3. The results indicate that the delamination of mountain root and underplating of mafic ultramafic magma had happened in the Dabie orogen before Early Cretaceous.
  4. Underplating is an important process of crust/ mantle interaction, and an essential process in the crustal evolution of the continental margin of southeast China.
  5. The differentiation of mantle derived magma, underplating and partial melting of the crust, have played an important role in the formation and reformation of the continental subcrust and in the metamorphism of granulite factes.
  6. The discovery of the mantle-derived xenoliths in the area adjacent to the site of the CCSD ( Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling) provides an important constraint for understanding the composition, thickness and thermal structure of the lithosphere as well as the underplating process in the Donghai area.
  7. On the Relationship between Basalt Underplating and Felsic Igneous Rock-Formation: A Case Study of the Volcano-Intrusive Complex in Eastern China
  8. The M 1 ( 1000Ma) anticlockwise ( IBC) P T path derived here for this area may be related to magmatic underplating beneath existing continental crust and intrusion and crystallization of substantial volumes of igneous material within crust.
  9. Joining P element in the Ni underplating for gold plating can enhance the ductility and bonding of the material.
  10. Geophysical Evidences for Magmatic Underplating in the Sulu Area, East China
  11. The HREE and Y-depleted granites in the Dabie Mountains were most probably produced by partial melting of lower mafic rocks in the thickened crust (> 40km) due to the underplating mafic magmas heating the lower crust.
  12. Fault development is predicted according to Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the North American plate and associated underplating of oceanic crust marks the boundary condition of finite element model.
  13. Mesozoic granitoids of the Dabie orogen were formed by two-time melting of the lower crust, because both underplating and delamination superposed the uplift period of the orogen after the collision of the North China and Yangtze cratons.
  14. Pd underplating can increase the hardness of the gold plated material. However, the wear performance is not as well as other gold plating.
  15. Underplating of basic melt beneath the crust is one of the most important patterns of crust growth and represents an effective material and energy transfer from the mantle to the crust.
  16. In late Jurassic-Cretaceous, the main drives for complicated zoned-basins include extension and collapse of thickened lithosphere, deep underplating, delamination and the strike-slip subduction of Paleo-Pacific margin.
  17. Metamorphism of Late Archean basement rocks in the Eastern and Yinshan Blocks is characterized by anticlockwise p-T paths, mostly involving isobaric cooling, suggesting that the heating source of the metamorphism was related to the underplating or intrusion of large volumes of mantle-derived magmas.
  18. Mesozoic mantle-derived magma underplating in Tongling, Anhui Province: evidence from megacrysts and xenoliths
  19. ON MESO-CENOZOIC UNCONFORMITY-RELATED URANIUM DEPOSITS IN SOUTHEAST CHINA On the Relationship between Basalt Underplating and Felsic Igneous Rock-Formation: A Case Study of the Volcano-Intrusive Complex in Eastern China
  20. Episode of fast thinning ( e.g., delamination) of the lithosphere, in company with extension and collapse of the orogenic belt and magma underplating in the lower crust during later Yanshanian;
  21. The extensive occurrence of the mantle-derived magma is believed to be a response of the asthenosphere-lithosphere system of the area to the closure of the Tethyan Ocean as well as the result of underplating of mantle-derived basaltic magma at the base of the thickened crust.
  22. EVOLUTION OF THE VOLCANIC TYPE PASSIVE CONTINENTAL MARGIN AND THE UNDERPLATING OF MAGMATIC ACTIVITY DURING EXTENSION Some times in the process there was reworking of diapir of mantle-sourced magma on the crust or lithosphere.
  23. Nature of the Precambrian crust and underplating of early Mesozoic Basaltic Magmas in South Hunan Province
  24. SUBDUCTION OF THE PALEO-PACIFIC PLATE AND ORIGIN OF LATE MESOZOIC IGNEOUS ROCKS IN SOUTHEASTERN CHINA& Some supplement evidences for the model of lithosphere subduction and underplating of mafic magma
  25. The genetic model of the deposit was established: From late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, influenced by the subduction of paleo-Pacific Plate to Eurasian Plate, the basaltic magma added to the lower crust underplating way,, and leads to the partial melting of crust and crustal uplift.
  26. Then the thinning lithosphere could be thickened again by asthenosphere top descending ( caused by heat elimination), magma underplating, compressing and so on.
  27. The underplating of the Late Devonian-Late Carboniferous island arc magma relate to subduction of Junggar Ocean ( North Tianshan Ocean) contribute to the crust growth.