
英 [ˌʌndəˈvæljuːɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌndərˈvæljuːɪŋ]

v.  低估; 对…认识不足; 轻视


  1. VERB 低估;轻视;小看
    If you undervalue something or someone, you fail to recognize how valuable or important they are.
    1. We must never undervalue freedom...
    2. Many companies deal with their female employees in a way that undervalues them.


  1. The country has long been criticized for artificially undervaluing its currency and holding vast foreign currency reserves.
  2. Right away, the reports may help job candidates determine whether their salary expectations are outdated& and that they may be over or undervaluing themselves.
  3. This has the effect of undervaluing the Chinese yuan compared to other currencies, and lowering the relative cost of Chinese goods shipped abroad.
  4. Do you see women around you undervaluing their contributions?
  5. The US Senate is set to vote on Tuesday on legislation that would punish China for deliberately undervaluing the renminbi.
  6. The US House of Representatives passed legislation that would punish China for undervaluing its currency and harming the competitiveness of US manufacturers and exporters, in a move that could heighten trade tensions between the two countries.
  7. Everyone seeks power, success, riches for himself, and admires others who attain them, while undervaluing the truly precious thing in life.
  8. The final outcomes could be better especially if, as the US government seems to assume markets are currently undervaluing credit-related assets.
  9. The Europeans complain that Beijing does not play fair, failing to enforce intellectual property, undervaluing its currency and restricting foreign investment.
  10. Walking away from, or even undervaluing, the economic co-operation that makes higher global growth possible will condemn us to high unemployment.
  11. America complains that China is deliberately undervaluing its currency to maintain a vast trade surplus that is contributing to US unemployment.
  12. While the US accuses China of undervaluing the renminbi, China blames loose US monetary policy for driving money into emerging markets that threatens to destabilise their economies.
  13. The dip follows a month-long period in which the renminbi rose sharply amid mounting pressure from US politicians, who accuse China of undervaluing its currency to support domestic industry.
  14. That left a US trade shortfall with its most politically sensitive trading partner at a record$ 28bn at a time when the US is intensifying its scrutiny of China for creating trade imbalances by undervaluing the renminbi.
  15. Significant Enlightenment for the Debate of "Undervaluing"
  16. Whether selling the equity of state-owned banks is undervaluing or not is a hot problem highlighted in economy and finance theory communities.
  17. It will be finally tested and verified in the market practice whether selling part equity of state-owned commercial banks to foreign-funded strategy investors is undervaluing or not.
  18. Emerging markets hold large current account balance and foreign exchange reserves; so, many developed market countries attributed the global imbalance to undervaluing currencies and exchange rate manipulation of emerging market countries.
  19. After that, spoken language teaching activities have been operated in every technical secondary school in succession. But there are always some problems in process of practical teaching and study: emphasizing theories, undervaluing practical operating, being absent of traits of science and system.