Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine 午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果,酒无限量供应。
The maximum penalty is up to 7 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine. 最高处罚是最多7年监禁或者无上限罚款。
Can you afford to splash out a little? Is your budget unlimited? 你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?
The daily tariff includes accommodation and unlimited use of the pool and gymnasium. 日常费用包括住宿以及游泳池和健身房的不限时使用。
An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original 仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。
You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool 进泳池的次数是没有限制的。
Career prospects are virtually unlimited. 职业生涯几乎是前途无量。
The emperor had unlimited power. 皇帝权力无限。
Unlimited space online for discounted merchandise, more space in thestores for regular merchandise, an expanded customer base, and less cannibalizationof regular-price sales. 线上有打折商品无限的空间,店铺里有普通商品更大的空间,公司有扩充的客户群,以及更少的原价商品降价销售。
There are no limits, your future is unlimited. 世界无极限,你的未来无可限量。
This is a poem of unlimited interest. 这首诗意味无穷。
I have unlimited potential. 我有无限的潜力。
Our ability to absorb and retain knowledge may just be unlimited. 我们吸收和掌握知识的能力很可能是无限的。
I saw some problems ( e.g.the symbol space for XPath is unlimited) but I missed this one. 我发现了一些问题(例如,XPath的符号空间是无限的),但我遗漏了这个问题。
This seemingly great idea guarantees unlimited portability, but in practice it does not deliver. 这个表面上很棒的想法保证了不受限制的可移植性,但实际上它并没有实现。
These and other technologies provide an unlimited degree of possibilities for creative content developers. 这些技术和其他技术为开发创造性内容的开发人员提供了无限可能性。
You have unlimited potential and the ability to create your life and your world as you desire. 你拥有无限潜能和创造理想世界和生活的力量。
The private cars 'unlimited use has a negative effect on society and the economy. 私家车的无限制使用对社会和经济有一定的负面影响。
You need to have unlimited messaging and a qualifying voice plan. 你必须有无限通讯和语音套餐。
But this is better than unlimited liability. 但这总比无限责任好。
You have an unlimited number of bombs. 你有一个无限数目的***。
Get unlimited fun and entertainment with superb graphics and amazing sound quality. 伴随高超的图形和杰出的音质,获得无限的乐趣和娱乐。
Unlimited email and FTP accounts and parked and sub-domains. 无限的电子邮件和文件传送协议帐户而且停车和子领域。
Photography depicts the individual and the world with limited and unlimited communication. 摄影,揭示了个人与世界、有限与无限的沟通。
For one and two-phase faults unlimited. 无限制的单相和二相故障。
It enables the unlimited tuning and improvement of a software product. 它促进了软件产品的无限优化和改进。
Human development of nature is not unlimited. 人类对大自然的开发不是无限的。
Now I have an unlimited supply. 现在我有了无穷的源泉。
You can have an unlimited number of cameras in a scene. 在一个场景中你可以有数量不限的相机。