Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed. 母亲们不但得不到报酬,而且她们做的那些乏味艰苦的工作常常都不为人所注意。
As President, he affirmed that no tyranny went unnoticed. 他以总统的名义宣称没有对任何暴行置若罔闻。
The cocktails were so sweet that the strength of them might pass unnoticed until it was too late. 这些鸡尾酒太好喝了,等你感受到酒劲时可能为时已晚。
I tried to slip up the stairs unnoticed 我试图趁没人注意溜上楼去。
Her forty-fourth birthday had just passed, unnoticed by all but herself. 她44岁的生日就这样过去了,除了她自己没人注意到。
He sneaked away unnoticed. 他趁没人注意蹽了。
Where has the time gone! three years have slipped by unnoticed. 时间过得真快呀,不知不觉三年过去了。
EXAMPLE: In the darkness the thief made his getaway unnoticed. 小偷在黑暗中偷偷溜走了。
However, the London Olympics, though far away, did not go unnoticed by the Chinese youth. 然而,中国的青年人还是注意到了遥远的伦敦正在举办奥运会。
The unnoticed door indicates you have a chance to step into an exciting new possibility. 被遗忘的门代表着你可能有机会得到一个令人兴奋的新契机。
I cannot pass over the matter unnoticed. 我不能对这事置之不理。
Your attitude at work and the way you treat people even your mood does not go unnoticed. 你的工作态度和为人处事方式甚至你的情绪不是没人注意。
Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. 你的职业态度不会被忽视;
This is special because what would traditionally go unnoticed now becomes a work of art. 这是特别因为传统上不被注意什么现在变成了艺术作品。
Reliance upon these highly restricted systems so limits perception that the full range of possibilities may pass unnoticed. 对这些高度局限的系统的信赖,便限制了认识,以致可能忽视全部的可能性。
Achievements remain even when unnoticed; problems, however, become worse when not pointed out. 成绩不说跑不了,问题不说不得了。
The NAFTA debate also exposed the often unnoticed fact that the environmental community is not monolithic. NAFTA之辩论暴露了经常未被注意的事实,即环境共同体不是整体的。
They love being the centre of attention and never go unnoticed. 他们喜欢被注意的中心,并没有被忽视。
You'll have a rather unique approach to love this week that won't go unnoticed. 本周,你的爱情理念很独特,会吸引到和你有同样兴趣的人;
Their acts and deeds do not go unnoticed. 他们的行为和功绩不该被忽视。
If they had only had one child, the fact would have passed unnoticed. 如果他们只是再得一个孩子的话,这件事情也会悄无声息地过去的。
They were unnoticed on this earth. 在尘世,它们不被注意。
If you don't want to be fooled you'll have to stay as unnoticed as possible. 如果你不想被愚弄,你要尽可能的不要引起别人的注意。
He had been unknown or unnoticed in the world drama and played a modest part in domestic affairs. 他在国际舞台上原是一个不知名的或不被注意的人物,在国内事务中也只是一个普通的角色。
These days such paradoxes look so extraordinary that it is hard to believe they went unnoticed for so long. 如今,这种矛盾看上去如此超乎寻常,很难相信它们已经被忽略了如此之久。
You're saying," Your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it ". 你会说,你的生活不容忽视,因为我会注意。
I shall slip unnoticed through the darkness. 我将像个黑暗敏捷的东西。
Many things would go unnoticed in that house. 那屋子有太多不为人知的事了。
The frequent, often unnoticed, shift between wide and narrow definitions of innovation may be seriously misleading. 创新广义和狭义定义之间的频繁转换常常不为人注意,但却可能产生严重的误导。
It's strange that such a mistake should go unnoticed in the textbook. 真奇怪课本上这样的错误竟然未被注意。