Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic? 你还记得那时候大家都有些厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声而拔掉电子乐器回归到原声状态吗?
The research, titled The World Unplugged, also found students used virtually the same words to describe their reactions. 这项名为《拔掉电源插头的世界》的研究还发现,学生们用几乎一样的字眼来形容他们的反应。
Test button: used for testing the application in "unplugged" mode ( UIButton class). Test按钮:用于在“为插接”模式下测试应用程序(UIButton类)。
I unplugged drive/ dev/ hde, so/ dev/ hde1 wasn't found when the kernel booted and tried to autostart my array. 我断开的是驱动器/dev/hde,因此,当内核引导并且试图自动启动该阵列时,系统将找不到/dev/hde1。
When a problem occurs with the availability of some of the physical resources, such as some wires being accidentally unplugged, PowerHA senses the errors and makes the other server take over. 当部分物理资源出现可用性问题时,比如有些线路被意外拔出,HACMP将感知这些问题并让另一个服务器接管工作。
Thick presence is spending several unbroken hours with someone, unplugged and untethered to phones. 所谓亲密共处就是连续几个小时与某个人在一起,不插电,远离电话。
Most people who own iPhones use them as their alarm clock& making it all too easy to check email one last time before falling asleep and hard to ever feel unplugged from work and social networks. 大部分智能手机用户都把手机当成是闹钟,睡前也还不忘要再查查邮件。其便捷也的确让人们很难真正地从工作和社交网络中抽离开来。
But, as much as you can, it's important to spend time unplugged, even if you can only manage a few hours. 但只要可以,你总能切断源头&哪怕只是几个小时的时间。
What happens then to the billions who have just been "unplugged" from the Matrix? 那么,对数十亿脱离矩阵的人们来说会怎样呢。
That means that anyone we haven't unplugged. 意思就是我们尚未拯救每个人。
After hours of searching, they found the cause for the malfunction: the machine was unplugged. 经过几个小时的探查,他们终于找出了机器故障的原因。
When the device is unplugged from the socket, that's communicated to the applications, and the drivers are automatically unloaded. 当从插座盒拔出外设时,它与应用程序通信,驱动程序自动卸载。
When the dish was ready, Luyuan unplugged the cooker and moved the board from the sink to the centre of the room, where she placed it on top of a red, upturned bucket. 饭做好了,李芦媛拔下电饭煲插头,在屋子中间倒放了一只红色的水桶,把水池上的那块木板拿来放在上面。
And we didn't fool ourselves into thinking we'd bring back a single job to unplugged company towns in Ohio and Georgia. 而且,我们也不会欺骗自己,认为我们把一个就业机会还给了俄亥俄州或者佐治亚州的某家公司。
Because of you, I've changed. I'm unplugged. 正因为你,我改变了,我解脱了。
From environmental theatre to unplugged open-air performances; 从环境戏剧到不插电露天演出;
At the same time, Guiyang to low-carbon concerts, dance unplugged Fuzhou, Wuhu to bike ride, and Zhuhai in the form of low carbon foot to join "Earth Hour" event. 与此同时,贵阳以低碳音乐会、福州以不插电舞会、芜湖以自行车骑行、珠海以低碳徒步的形式,加入“地球一小时”活动。
Once the connector has been unplugged, complete functionality is no longer assured. 一旦将接头拔出,就无法再保证功能完整。
Companies from carmakers to smartphone and consumer electronics manufacturers are locked in a standards battle over wireless power that threatens to slow the move to an unplugged world. 从汽车生产商到智能手机以及消费电子产品制造商都陷入了一场有关无线充电的标准之争,这一局面可能导致无线化进程放缓。
Plugging a portable audio device into the aux-in jack automatically sets the volume at a preset level; when the device is unplugged, the volume resets to its previous level. 插入的辅助便携式音频设备的接口,自动设置在预设的水平音量,当该设备被拔掉,体积重置到先前的水平。
Don't leave your computer on when you've finished working – always shut it down completely and make sure laptop – charging adapters are fully unplugged. 在你工作完成之后记得关闭电脑,而且是完全关闭电脑和拔掉笔记本电脑电池的充电器。
Today, both of you played the unplugged live music, could you play another one for us? 今天你们演奏了不插电的现场音乐,可不可以再演奏一首?
You have unplugged or ejected a device without stopping it which can cause your computer to crash and lose valuable data. 设备停止之前,您对其进行了拔出或弹出操作。这样做通常会造成计算机出现故障并丢失有用数据。
Self-service ( Buffet) Chinese Western dishes offer you a easeful enjoyment. An unleashed Internet will make us a people unplugged. 本餐厅拥有中西式自助餐,给您无拘无束的享受。自由自在的因特网将使我们在网上无拘无束。
We were so poor my daddy unplugged the clocks when we went to bed. 我们家很穷,我们上床后我爸爸就把时钟电源拔掉。
By our bedside in the dark, the phone remained silent. I'd unplugged it many hours before. 黑暗中,我们床边的电话保持沉默。早在几个小时以前,我就拔掉了电话线。
The last thing shot was Neo getting flushed into the lake when he gets unplugged for the first time. 电影摄制过程中拍的最后一场戏是尼奥在培养器中苏醒过来,然后被拔了管子冲出去。
The radio must be switched off before the subwoofer is unplugged. 拔下超低音扬声器的插头之前,必须关闭收音机。
That's why a day a week of being unplugged can help save your sanity, your creativity, to show up in a loving way in your relationships. 这就是为什么每周每天进行疏通可以帮助你保持头脑清醒,创造力和在人际关系中展现出可爱的一面的能力。
While many churches have no camera policies, more and more couples are considering an unplugged wedding& at the very least, asking guests to turn off their devices during the ceremony and be really present. 虽然很多教堂没有对相机有限制规定,不过越来越多的夫妇开始考虑不插电婚礼&至少要求宾客在婚礼仪式期间关闭电子设备,做到真正在场。