PHRASE (用于引文的开始和结尾)引文起…引文止 You can say quote before and unquote after a word or phrase, or quote, unquote before or after it, to show that you are quoting someone or that you do not believe that a word or phrase used by others is accurate.
He drowned in a boating quote 'accident' unquote... 他在一次所谓的翻船“事故”中溺亡。
We've only had an 'average', quote, unquote, kind of recession. 我们只有过一次被称作“一般性的”经济衰退。
He drowned in a boating quote 'accident' unquote 他在一次所谓的翻船“事故”中溺亡。
We've only had an 'average', quote, unquote, kind of recession. 我们只有过一次被称作“一般性的”经济衰退。
They certainly may not be as, quote unquote, rational. 当然还可能不太么理性。
Only enterprises adopt unquote strategy, such ability at the right time and place, and place the product sells to the right person. 企业只有采取攻心战略,这样才能在合适的时间和地点,把合适的产品卖给合适的人。
And that's fine, because inside of curly braces can you redeclare variables with the same name if you intend to quote unquote shadow the previous variable. 那是可以的,因为,在花括号里面,你可以重新定义一个,相同名字的变量,如果你想引用之前的变量。
So now, henceforth, when you say, to declare a function, I am declaring a function here but down here am I quote unquote defining it or implementing it. 从此以后,当你说,声明一个函数,我在这里声明了一个函数,但是到这里我定义它或执行它。
"Now that we have 'saved' Greece, quote unquote, the political imperative for Germany is gone," said one senior EU official. “既然我们已经‘拯救’了希腊,对德国而言,这样做的政治必要性已经消失了,”一位欧盟高级官员表示。
They do it because it's the quote unquote thing to do. 他们做这件事正是因为有人反对。
And realize too, as we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as quote unquote students. 并且认识到,像我们说的这个主页,默认情况下,当你登陆这个电子公告牌,我们禁止你们,都匿名学生登陆。
Motion to suppress my client's quote, unquote, confession. 这是推翻我当事人认罪的申请。
The forth part is unquote which is to conceive for the school system culture. 第四部分结语是对学校制度体系的文化设想。