Unregulated tourism can kill the goose that laid their golden egg. 旅游业的无序发展无异于杀鸡取卵。
The problem is also known as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, or IUU. 非法捕捞也被称为非法、未报告和无管制捕捞,简称IUU。
These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and repeated, expedient repair. 这些系统显示了无规则发展,重复式临时修复的符号。
This fully demonstrates that a totally unregulated market economy cannot work. 这充分说明,不受管理的市场经济是注定行不通的。
China's mobile-apps market currently is largely unregulated. 目前中国的移动应用市场基本上处于无监管状态。
We should have placed more value on the hard-earned lessons of the instability that comes from unregulated markets and gambling on securities prices. 我们本应对那些来之不易的教训予以更大重视:是不受监管的市场和对证券价格的投机造成了不稳定。
The current economic orthodoxy is of a free markdt and unregulated trade. 当前正统的经济观念是自由市场观念和无约束贸易观念。
But the universal model needs a clear separation of regulated and unregulated activities and better transparency and disclosure. 但全能银行模式需要将受监管业务与非监管业务明确地区分开,需要提高透明度和加强披露。
What has been forgotten is one major cause of the crisis unregulated speculation on the prices of securities by people who did not own them. 但人们忘记了这一点,当年那场危机的一个主要原因是,未持有证券的人对证券价格进行了不受监管的投机。
Yet producing and using nanomaterials is practically unregulated, particularly in the developing world. 然而制造和使用纳米材料在实践中未受管制,特别是在发展中国家未受管制。
Lots of unregulated table structure information currently come to be the unavoidable issue of Web information extraction. 大量的不规范表结构信息是当前Web信息提取所必须解决的问题。
An unregulated, but subsidised, casino will not allocate resources well. 一个不受监管却接受补贴的赌场不会很好地配置资源。
It is seen as unregulated, good for companies and individuals but not for society. 人们认为,创新不受监管,尽管它对企业和个人很有好处,却无益于社会。
Shifting money fund assets offshore to the unregulated sector would also be undesirable. 货币市场基金的资产转移至不受监管的离岸市场也将带来不良影响。
It must also be extended to the activities of hitherto unregulated entities such as hedge funds. 它还必须拓展至对冲基金等至今不受监管的实体的活动。
Finally, addressing the unregulated trade in conventional arms should make our peacekeepers and nationals working overseas safer. 最后,解决不受监管的常规武器交易问题可以为我们的维和部队和海外工作人员带来更大的安全。
Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state. 让不受约束的公民拥有枪支,正在摧毁这个自由国家的安全。
A Case Report in this week's issue of The Lancet highlights the dangers of unregulated herbal therapy. 在这周的柳叶刀杂志上刊登一则病历报告以强调未经监管的草药治疗的危险性。
Should local and independent schooling initiatives prevail, unregulated by state and federal policy? 地方办校计划和独立办校计划是否应该摆脱州和联邦政策的管理?
Unregulated distribution networks provide more opportunities to sell contraband cigarettes. 未受到管理的地区经销网络为销售走私香烟提供了更多的机会。
Joint FAO/ IMO Ad Hoc Working Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Related Matters 粮农组织/海事组织关于非法、不报告和不管制的捕捞和其他有关事项联合特设工作组
The crisis has demonstrated the devastating impact that unregulated entities can have. 这场危机展现了不受监管的实体可能带来的破坏性影响。
No battery charging cable and the output is unregulated on the12 volt output. 没有电池充电电缆和输出是无根据的12伏输出。
As Minsky warned, undue faith in unregulated markets proved a snare. 正如明斯基所警告的那样,过度信任没有监管的市场是一个陷阱。
In unregulated markets quality control is patchy. 不受制约的市场中质量控制是有漏洞的。
There is no hope of a recovery to the good old days of unregulated predatory market fundamentalism. 没有任何一个恢复的希望对无人管理掠食的市场原教旨主义的过去的好时光。
Unregulated markets may reduce, not improve, social efficiency. 不受监管的市场可能会降低而非提高社会效率。
It is just that their relations are unregulated. 这正说明了他们的关系是不定的。
Some help regulate basic cell division, which may have implications for cancer research: unregulated cell division can lead to the growth of tumours. 这些基因中有一些有助于调节基本的细胞分裂,这可能为癌症的研究提供线索:未调节的细胞分裂可能会导致肿瘤的生长。
But some analysts say the activities, which are largely unregulated, bring big risks to the system. 但一些分析师表示,这些基本上不受监管的活动给整个体系带来了巨大风险。