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  1. The Enhancement of Eye Fundus Image Based on Rough Sets and Wavelet Unsharp Masking
  2. Most unsharp mask tools allow you to set the pixel width of the mask and the amount of sharpening.
  3. Adaptive unsharp masking method based on region segmentation
  4. An Adaptive Algorithm for Image Enhancement on Unsharp Masking
  5. Technique will always after the thoughts, in the field of subjective consciousness dominion, doyens unsharp.
  6. An Application of Unsharp Masking Realized by Neural Networks in Identification for License Plate
  7. I referred some classic algorithms on fingerprint enhancement, such as the fingerprint enhancement by the unsharp masking.
  8. This method about neural network simulating image unsharp masking process arithmetic can also be used to realize other image process arithmetic.
  9. In this paper a kind of new algorithm that combines unsharp masking, adaptive nonlinear filters and mathematical morphology is presented.
  10. Multi-feature Seafloor Sediments Classification for Side-scan Sonar Imagery Based on a Quadratic Unsharp Masking Operator
  11. The arithmetic adapts the unsharp masking to enhance select frequency response in order to enhance CR image edge details;
  12. Furthermore, an image enhancement method, which increases the contrast of the image using the output of the network, is used to improve the edge detection in unsharp regions.
  13. A medical image enhancement method based on multi-scale noise-resistance unsharp masking
  14. Template matching by means of correlation is common practice in object tracking. However, its sensitivity to deformations of the patterns and the broad unsharp peaks are significant drawbacks.
  15. A medical image enhancement method based on Multi-Scale Noise-Resistance Unsharp Masking ( MSNR-UM) is proposed in view of the defects of linear Unsharp Masking ( UM) method for medical image enhancement.
  16. The general enhancement algorithms are over enhancing the contrast and lose image details, aiming at the defects, an enhancement algorithm for CR image is proposed based on the unsharp masking.
  17. The original image is transformed by wavelet, and then removes noise using wavelet phase characteristics. Finally, contrast is enhanced by using unsharp masking algorithm.
  18. However, some unsharp measurements of observables could be performed co-instantaneously; hence the conception of joint measurement is emerged.
  19. Then, the thesis proposes an unsharp masking technique with Gaussian noise suppression through analyzing and comparing various edge detection operators.
  20. It can get better processing effect than the original algorithm. 2. Studied two improved generalized unsharp mask algorithms.
  21. Considering the characteristics of palmprint images, a steerable filters based fuzzy unsharp masking algorithm is presented to enhance the contrast of a palmprint image.
  22. The noise is small, linear Unsharp Masking ( UM) enhancement effect is good; the noise is large, nonlinear Unsharp masking enhancement algorithms, the two algorithms have good application value.
  23. The search process is simple and the results are exact. It is suitable for spectra search, which have low concentrations and unsharp absorption peaks. Moreover, GA can identify quantificationally unknown FTIR spectra with the help of standard spectra database.