
adj.  纯净的;无瑕庇的;无污点的; 未染色(污染)的

BNC.40098 / COCA.41880


  1. We saw rows of dead lined up in burial shrouds, the white linen unstained by a single drop of blood.
  2. No reasonable man ought to doubt the unstained innocence of your relation at the bar.
  3. Our Mind is primordially free and unstained, suffering only arises when there is attachment.
  4. Further, when the world of commerce was about to lay its ugly and contaminating fingers on life, here was a poem enshrining with security a world unstained by any commercial value.
  5. If the chitosan repaired the crushed membranes then the spinal cord tissue would be unstained, but if the chitosan had failed, the spinal cord neurons would be flooded with the fluorescent dye.
  6. They called me the Reverend when I entered the church unstained;
  7. Value of peripheral blood large unstained cell counting analysis in the chemotherapy efficacy on acute leukemia disease
  8. And thou present'st a pure unstained prime.
  9. An apron keeps his clothing unstained.
  10. Their nuclei are pale and vesicular, containing mainly unstained euchromatin.
  11. He felt a wild longing for the unstained purity of his boyhood& his rose-white boyhood, as Lord Henry had once called it.
  12. Clinical significance of large unstained cells in upper respiratory infection
  13. One of washing cloth is unstained white fibre, the other is color fiber.
  14. Tess is an example of the destructive effect of society's pressure and conventions upon a nature naturally pure and unstained.
  15. Methods: At the beginning of radical excision procedure of breast cancer, 2ml of methylene blue was injected into the tumor area to locate the sentinel lymphnode. Then all the stained or unstained lymph nodes were found and collected for further HE staining and pathologic examination.
  16. The morphological structures of unstained and unfixed intact laryngocarcinoma ( Hep& 2) cells were observed by soft X-Ray contact microscopy ( SXCM).
  17. The third kind is neither ChAT-positive nor Nestin-positive cells, with neuron-like character and unstained cytoplasm.
  18. Image processing of unstained bovine liver catalase thin crystal
  19. Method: Cytotoxicity of colored and unstained orthodontic bracket and wire against human gingival fibroblast ( HGF) was investigated with MTT assays and the cell DNA proliferation index ( PI) of cell groups was assessed through flow cytometry.
  20. On the contrary, in reactive lymphoid follicles Bcl-2 protein was predominantly anchored in mantle zones whereas germinal center cells were unstained.
  21. By immunohistochemistry, 3 7 days after photocoagulation, S 100 and GFAP were seen stained in the damage areas of photic spot. 1 7 days after photocoagulation, NSE and NF were found unstained in the photic spot.
  22. Results: There was a significant difference in the sperm head unstained rate and hyposmotic swelling rate among fertile, infertile and azoospermia group ( P0.01).
  23. In the control group, FOS was feeble stained, and the nucleus was unstained.
  24. BCB stained oocytes and unstained oocytes had different status of apoptosis.
  25. In the control group, p-ERK distributed in cytoplasm, feeble stained, and the nucleus was unstained.
  26. The area of coagulation area was quantified by measuring tained ( red, viable tissue) and unstained ( white, ablated tissue) regions using Image J for all samples in blinded fashion.



  1. (of reputation) free from blemishes
    1. his unsullied name
    2. an untarnished reputation

    Synonym:    stainlessunsullieduntainteduntarnished

  2. not stained
    1. An apron keeps his clothing unstained

  3. without soil or spot or stain

      Synonym:    unsoiledunspotted

    1. not having a coating of stain or varnish

        Synonym:    unvarnished