
n.  不(稳)定(性);不稳(度;固);不定常性;非(恒)性;易变(性)


BNC.41314 / COCA.37886


  1. It gets across to the listener vividly the unsteadiness of the fisherman and the sentimental mood he is in.
  2. Patients with vestibular vertigo syndromes often suffer from anxiety and depression, whereas patients with psychiatric disorders often experience subjective unsteadiness, dizziness, or vertigo.
  3. The unsteadiness of air becomes prohibitive only if instruments with large focal length are used.
  4. However, there has been only a little amount of information about the transient flow structure in the spool valve because of the essential difficulty of its unsteadiness.
  5. This may result in serious social hazard and unsteadiness if not treated properly.
  6. All the same, the balloon has much to be said in its favor, since it can at least carry heavy equipment above most of the atmospheric mass& thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images.
  7. Material of trail-molding supplied by you, you know that it's very hard for us to buy the material with small quantity, and the quality is also unsteadiness.
  8. An investigation of the effects of compressibility and unsteadiness on natural gas flowmeter orifice well tester
  9. Dizziness is a general term that describes sensations of imbalance and unsteadiness, such as vertigo, syncope, mild turning, and imbalance.
  10. Implant lateral mass screw and vertebrae pedicle screw for treatment of atlanto-axial unsteadiness using poly axial screw-rod system
  11. Thus eliminating blurring and unsteadiness of the images.
  12. After further analysis through the theory of common goal, the author found the primary reason of unsteadiness is due to the difference between the individual value and the goal of college.
  13. The cepstrum is used as the recognition feature of ship-radiated noise to replace the continuous spectrum, which can avoid the unsteadiness of the latter.
  14. The results showed that the cracks induced not only a great increase of MHD pressure drop, but also unsteadiness of MHD effect.
  15. A study of the unsteadiness of the ignition of static premixed gases that contain CH 4 and steam with a catalytic hot sphere and a non catalytic hot sphere was conducted. A comparison between the calculated and experimental results was given in the paper.
  16. The Unsteadiness of Climate Change and Its Relationship with Agricultural Production in China during Recent 30 Years
  17. The pulsed noise in the condition monitoring signal of rotating machinery may lead to the unsteadiness of the frequency spectrum of the signal, which will directly affect the accuracy and reliability of the monitoring.
  18. The Problems that the top and bottom work rolls crossing and unsteadiness can be eliminated through improved the construction of press plate of work roll chock.
  19. No segmental lumbar vertebral unsteadiness;
  20. Relative degree of unsteadiness based on the reference distance and intensity of surge based on the correlation integral value were defined to analyze the degree of instability and surge in centrifugal compressors quantitatively.
  21. This paper takes D component of the recording instrument as an example. We have solved the problems of unsteadiness of the base-line value for FGE fluxgate magnetometer in Chongming Station.
  22. The purpose of studying LNG application, significance and content are described, putting emphasis on LNG thermodynamic research and study of unsteadiness of LNG storage.
  23. By taking account of nonlinearity, time variation and unsteadiness of idling process in engines, this paper studies the application of fuzzy control theory in the idling speed control.
  24. Economy: the unsteadiness of rural economy.
  25. However, the complicacy in the situation of mine enterprises causes the closedown and bankruptcy process liable to fall in unsteadiness, which brings about severe influence to both the course of bankruptcy and the steadiness of the whole society.
  26. The paper studies the reasons for the unsteadiness and risk of Eurodollars.
  27. This thesis also analyses the factor of causing synchronization error and unsteadiness. Based on the analysis, the corrective action is implemented in the system, and it improves the performance of the system.
  28. In engineering practice, many practical systems exist timedelay, which is the source of oscillation and unsteadiness.
  29. The algorithm can avoid unsteadiness of LR results and give market equilibrium in sub-optimal level.
  30. Seeing from the background of risk society theory, the western society is experiencing the rapid-development process of globalization, its rapid development means mobility, so lot of factors embody the characteristic of great liquidity and unsteadiness, and this boosts appearance of risks.



  1. the quality of being unsteady--varying and unpredictable

    1. the quality of not being steady or securely fixed in place

        Synonym:    ricketiness