
n.  不对称(性;现象)



  1. Simulation analysis of Lissajous Figures of two phase AC signals under all kinds of unsymmetry conditions
  2. In accordance with the information unsymmetry during disposal of rent-seeking, we establish three incomplete information dynamic models involving government inspection departments and groups for profits, and then give their sub-game refined Bayesian Nash equilibrium respectively.
  3. This paper mainly deals with the features and physical significance of the unsymmetry of Maxwell's speed distribution curve.
  4. The deformation of unsymmetry section steel after cooling is mainly eliminated by reversely curring it on line, ensuring the achievement of automation of meticulous repair.
  5. The occurrence of surplus of the objects and unsymmetry of information, along with the imperfection of market result in the rent-seeking action.
  6. The unsymmetry mode of fuzzy optimization is established and solved by the method of optimal level cut set.
  7. Analysis of the Problem in Unsymmetry of Price Information
  8. The thermal and wind field of the depression have a significant unsymmetry.
  9. Unsymmetry of scale transformation of rock mass anisotropy
  10. In the developing course, the main technique measures are: improving the trigger circuit of thyristors to eliminate the unsymmetry of the trigger pulse phase;
  11. Construct the Information Unsymmetry Tool in Business Analysis
  12. According to the relations between the objective function and the constraint function, the fuzzy optimization can fall into tow categories about symmetry and unsymmetry.
  13. Structure unsymmetry effect on tire mechanical behavior modeling
  14. The text computes the eigenvalue of double ridged waveguide, single ridged waveguide and unsymmetry ridged waveguide, transmission of three kinds of ridged waveguides with ridge on the narrow wall are solved for and the useful curves on cutoff wavelength, bandwidth and field pattern are presented.
  15. In the semiordered linear space and the real Banach space with normal cone, the presence and singularity theorems of the solution of binary operator equation are discussed, and the various types of symmetry and unsymmetry iteration are established.
  16. Quasi static load, wave moment composing, main methods of linear and nonlinear hydroelasticity, symmetry and unsymmetry response, frequency/ time domain solutions, slamming response, random wave load are discussed systematically.
  17. The unsymmetry of the information and insufficiency of the system supply, etc.
  18. The Analyse of Unsymmetry of the Proper Right Structure of the State-owned Enterprise in China
  19. Based on Information Unsymmetry Theory and Principal-agent Theory, analyse the Principal-agent relationship between assurance industry and the bank. Then discuss the bancassurance Principal-agent problems created by Information Unsymmetry.
  20. Finite element method ( FEM) is introduced to analyze and compute the eigenvalues of double ridged waveguide, single ridged waveguide and unsymmetry ridged waveguide. Eigenvalue solutions of three ridged waveguides are solved and the useful curves on cutoff frequency and bandwith are provided.
  21. The Interaction and Unsymmetry of the Partnerships between Asia and Pacific Leading Powers
  22. On Symmetry and Unsymmetry as a Method
  23. It is pointed out that the unsymmetry of the postbuckling is caused by the unsymmetry of the structure about the axis Z, and the causation of the instability is that the prebuckling is prevented by the clamped boundary condition.
  24. It is concluded that introduction of the effective input of tire model is the reasonable approach to consider structure unsymmetry effect on tire modeling.
  25. On Stock Market Information Unsymmetry and its Causes
  26. Such unsymmetry is embodied in two aspects, one is the difference between the bandwidths for uplink and downlink, and the other is the difference between common and individual characteristics of information requirement.
  27. In this dissertation, the research focuses on three aspects around the microscopic deformation mechanism: stress-strain analysis, dislocation mechanism and the unsymmetry of tension and compression.
  28. The unsymmetry also exists in judicial practice.
  29. This basin is deep in the west and shallow in the east, and shows obvious unsymmetry.
  30. As China rural society has been lack of economic capital and human capital in the transition period, if deal in the rural family is supposed to gain the earlier chance, it only can depend on social capital to eliminate unsymmetry state.