Never drive with an untaught or unlocked airbag triggering unit. 切勿在气囊触发单元未设定或锁定时驾驶车辆。
The gift was strong in Snow, but the youth was untaught, still fighting his nature when he should have gloried in it. 雪诺的天赋也很强大,但是这个年轻人没有经过训练,还在和他本应引以为荣的本性抗争。
Better untaught than ill taught.& John Ray 宁愿没有受过教育,胜于被教坏了。&雷
Binet was commissioned to study the large numbers of poor children in the city's asylums and to find out whether they were mentally incapacitated or simply untaught. 比奈被指派对市内收容所的大量贫苦儿童进行研究,以查明他们究竟是智力缺陷还是仅仅缺乏教育。
Wholly untaught, with faculties quite torpid, they seemed to me hopelessly dull; 她们完全没有受过教育,官能都很迟钝,使我觉得这些人笨得无可救药。
A child is better unborned that untaught. 子不教父之过。
Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient; 语言技巧极度匮乏的没上过学的人们;
His white moist hands could draw from a violin music that had in it something unearthly and untaught. 他那双苍白的汗涔涔的手能拿起小提琴来拉两下音乐,倒是大有无师自通而且不同凡响的意味。
Untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient; an untutored genius; uneducated children. 没有上过学的人语言技能非常贫乏;没上过学的天才;失学的儿童。
Dipa Ma made it clear that there is nothing wrong with lapses of mindfulness, with the mind wandering. untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient; an untutored genius; uneducated children. 蒂帕嬷很清楚,心念散乱、正念流失并非过错。没有上过学的人语言技能非常贫乏;没上过学的天才;失学的儿童。
Discoveries in science and technology are thought by "untaught minds" to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. “无知”的人们认为科技发明产生于头脑中的一闪念或是不寻常的偶然事件的产物。
Quite an untaught genius, I made the discovery of the line of action for myself. 我完全是一个自学而成的天才,我的处世之道与行为准则都是我自己的创造发明。
It seems, on the contrary, to have been a perfectly spontaneous, untaught feeling on his side, and this surprises me. 相反,他的感情好像完全是自发的,这就使我感到奇怪了。
This piece decries in exquisite verse the longing thoughts of any loving parent aging and fearful of lessons untaught to offsprings. 这首诗描写的是一位父亲对自己的孩子未来的焦虑和期盼。
Because of the problems that teachers have in understanding and teaching pronunciation, it tends often to be forgotten and left untaught. 由于老师在理解语音教学中存在误区,经常使得语音教学被忽视或根本放弃。
About e-commerce now our especially electronic pay legislation is untaught. 目前我国关于电子商务特别是电子支付方面的立法是极度匮乏。