
adj.  无价值的;无足轻重的;未曾估价的;未评价过的


  1. It is unvalued, if a person only can write English words but have no capable of speaking. Those that come unsought are commonly the most valuable.
  2. An unvalued policy is one where the value of the property is not stated.
  3. If the policy be an unvalued policy, the measure of indemnity is the insurable value of the subject-matter insured.
  4. Fire insurance policies can be valued or unvalued.
  5. Tell you I have nearly attained my heaven; and that of others is altogether unvalued and uncovered by me.
  6. The criminal second instance is a weak link. Not only the current legislation ordered very coarsely, but also it is unvalued in the heart of the people.
  7. It proposes to get rid of unvalued& added process, realize CAX and practicable ERP/ CRM based on network.
  8. If the trend forecast is missed, a model will be unvalued.
  9. Chapter 4 proposes improvement scheme to the unvalued and unreasonable step based on the analysis for production and value.
  10. The results show that better discriminations of feature parameters can be obtained in RGB, NTSC, Hunter and HSI color spaces, white degree is unvalued according to the correlation analysis between boll size and fiber color features.
  11. However, due to the influence of the traditional planned economy, China has always attached importance to the construction and development of large enterprises, unvalued the investment to the small and medium enterprises, the financial difficulties have plagued the survival and development of SMS.
  12. At present, the practice of IT Education in rural areas is unsatisfactory due to economic and other factors. Teachers who take charge of IT Education are seemed to be unvalued, which obstructs the development of education informatization.
  13. In comparison with other administrative enforcement action, diverse and extensive actions of ordering for rectification are unvalued and uncomprehending by the administrative subject and the individual.
  14. In reality, acknowledged that the shareholder has insurable interest to the company property, may carry on the practice operation by insurance methods such as valued policy insurance, unvalued policy insurance, generalize insurance.



  1. having value that is not acknowledged

      Synonym:    unappreciatedunsung