
英 [ˌʌnˈweɪtɪd] 美 [ʌnˈweɪtɪd]

adj.  未加权的,简单的




  1. For this reason, unweighted leverage matters.
  2. Make several passes through the lie with an unweighted streamer then add enough shot so that the fly starts scraping bottom.
  3. Then it was that Amathea lifted herself once more, and with delicate, discreet, unweighted movement of perfect limbs leapt lightly to the floor as lovely as a wave.
  4. Unweighted means that all the values considered in calculating the index are of equal importance.
  5. This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph.
  6. Research on degrees of freedom in unweighted measurement
  7. An experiment was designed to smooth and estimate simultaneously one unweighted and six different gradients weighted images.
  8. However, most of the proposed models are contributed to study unweighted networks and also fail to explain the scaling property of networks in the community level.
  9. Genomic DNA diversity of 46 tea cultivars from China, Korea and Japan was investigated by RAPD ( random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique and unweighted pair group with mathematic average ( UPGMA) analysis.
  10. Study on Unweighted Pair Group Average of POD and EST of Nine Plants of Gramineae
  11. Results Reference centile curves for children's weight at ages 0~ 7 years in Hong Kong area are constructed. Velocity curves and acceleration curves are also constructed. Moreover, goodness and smoothness of fit for weighted smoothing spline are greater than those for unweighted smoothing spline.
  12. Principal components analysis ( PCA) was conducted for females and males respectively, and dendrogram was constructed using an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages ( UPGMA) method by Dice similarity coefficient.
  13. Thereafter, the rats of the SUS and HCP+ SUS groups were hindlimb unweighted for two weeks.
  14. After phase-gradient is estimated, unweighted and weighted phase unwrapping are used.
  15. When the echo signal is unweighted, and the input frequency is just equal to an FFT bin frequency, the matched state is reached, the output SNR takes the maximum and the detectability is optimal.
  16. It is known that weighted networks have more information comparing with unweighted networks: edge weights can describe the difference of interactions between nodes, and node weights can reflect the importance of nodes in networks.
  17. Unweighted phase unwrapping algorithm of least-squares based on DCT is studied. The least-squares algorithm with image filtering and post-processing is studied. 4.
  18. The previous work about community structure of the complex network analysis is mainly concentrated on undirected and unweighted network.
  19. In order to obtain accurate relatively weights, the concept of weight super matrix is introduced. Unweighted super matrix which is weighted by sections become weighted super matrix.
  20. There were weighted networks and unweighted networks. With the standards of the modularity function given by Newman etc, a large-scale network could be divided into several smaller networks.
  21. Both of the algorithms are extremely computationally accurate, and at the same time, their computational efficiencies are very high and even comparable to that of unweighted least squares method.
  22. The experimental results show that, the accuracy and efficiency of any centrality measure in weighted protein interaction network are universally higher than that in the corresponding unweighted protein interaction network.
  23. Based on the above-mentioned two unweighted networks ( gene network and pathway network), we further construct weighted gene networks and weighted pathway networks including edge-and node-weighted networks, respectively.
  24. The characteristics of main algorithms are analyzed systemically. Unweighted phase unwrapping algorithm of least-squares based on discrete cosine transform ( DCT) has been analyzed theoretically and experimental research has also been done.
  25. By building unweighted and weighted investment banks 'stock IPO underwriting cooperation network, we dig out the internal topology structure characteristics of the network.
  26. Toward artificial knowledge acquisition, the general steps of acquiring knowledge are analyzed; toward machine learning, a kind of text clustering algorithms& weighted k-means clustering algorithm is proposed, and it is demonstrated to have better clustering results compared with unweighted k-means algorithm.
  27. Therefore, unweighted least-squares method has poor applicability in practice, so it is generally not recommended to be used. Second, Goldstein branch cut algorithm has high execution speed and low memory needs.
  28. According to the interferograms whose phase are wrapped, many existing algorithms are chose to investigate the interferograms in this paper, such as Goldstein branch-cut algorithm, unweighted least-square algorithm and PCG algorithm.