ADJ-GRADED 百折不回的;不屈不挠的;坚定不移的 You describe someone as unyielding when they have very strong, fixed ideas about something and are unlikely to change their mind.
The authorities proved unyielding on one crucial opposition demand... 面对反对党这一重大诉求,当局立场坚定。
His unyielding attitude on this subject was that since he had done it, so could everyone. 在这件事上他态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到。
ADJ-GRADED 坚固的;坚硬的 If a barrier or surface is unyielding, it is very solid or hard.
...the troopers, who had to build roads through those unyielding mountains... 必须打穿这些硬石山来筑路的装甲兵
He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand. 他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。
She was a fiery, brilliant and unyielding intellectual and politician 她是个充满激情、才华卓越、毫不妥协的知识分子和政治家。
On the other side, the men stood pat and were unyielding 在另一方面,那些人固执己见,不肯让步。
The authorities proved unyielding on one crucial opposition demand 面对反对党这一重大诉求,当局立场坚定。
His unyielding attitude on this subject was that since he had done it, so could everyone. 在这件事上他态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到。
He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand. 他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。
Through those long years of imprisonment and torture, he remained faithful and unyielding. 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈。
He stood unyielding and unafraid against the enemy. 他面对敌人,英勇无畏。
He was confident of the unyielding strength and formidable superiority of his troops. 他觉得他的队伍实力坚强,声势浩大。
A man of unyielding character, he would rather break than bend. 他生就一身傲骨,宁折不弯。
Maiden, thy beauty is like a fruit which is yet to mature, tense with an unyielding secret. 少女啊,你的美丽宛如渐趋成熟的果实,紧张地隐藏着倔强的秘密。
Yet this unyielding stance has not always been helpful for his career. 然而,这种一意孤行的立场并非总是有助于自己的设计生涯。
Of the sweetness and courage and unyielding pride of her friends, Scarlett saw nothing. 对于她那些朋友们的宝贵品质和勇气以及坚强不屈的尊严,思嘉可一点也看不上。
Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation& China, unyielding and unconquerable! 然而,在这样的废墟上,仍然矗立着我们的国家-中国,坚拔不屈,不可征服。
He by reason of the firm and resolute unyielding will, has defeated disease, has created a miracle. 他凭著坚毅不屈的意志,战胜了疾病,创造了一个奇迹。
Is his this unyielding spirit but, obviously that we need to study? 而他这种不屈的精神,不就是我们要学习的么?
Unyielding to the fate shows your respect for life. 对命运的不屈就是对生命的尊重。
Delightingly, with your staunch perseverance and unyielding will to fight, again you smashed all the doubts. 令人欣喜的是,你再一次用顽强的毅力和永不服输的斗志打住外界对你的所有的怀疑。
Unyielding and united as one, the Egyptian people have safeguarded their independence and sovereignty. 埃及人民威武不屈、团结一致,捍卫了独立和主权。
In shi, the poet created a strong unyielding, resisting authority of the bourgeois revolutionary image. 在长诗中,诗人塑造了一个坚强不屈,反抗权威的资产阶级革命者形象。
People can't have haughtiness, but can't have no lofty and unyielding character. 人不可有傲气,但不可无傲骨。
Something gripped him in an unyielding hold. The gardener put the dead plants in his wheelbarrow. 有什么东西死死地把他缠住不放。园丁把死掉的植物放到他的手推车上。
He stood unyielding and unafraid against the enemy. audacious explorers; fearless reporters and photographers; intrepid pioneers. 他面对敌人,英勇无畏。勇敢的探索者;无畏的记者和摄影师;无畏的先锋。
In life, I am a people who works having very unyielding sense of responsibility carefully. 生活中我是一个做事认真具有很强责任心的人。
I realized that there was unyielding life, sprouting over the fallen petals all around me. 我明白了,花朵虽然飘落,但是会有顽强的生命在迸发。
Although we have nothing, we are still brave enough to face the harsh reality with unyielding dignity. 尽管我们一无所有,却仍有勇气和尊严直面严酷的现实。
That bright red, seemed to be showing people with their unyielding life. 那鲜艳的红色,似乎在向人们展示着自己不屈的生命。
Yet there is an inherent contradiction between exerting unyielding political control and trying to unshackle entrepreneurial creativity. 然而,在实施毫不妥协的政治控制和试图释放企业家的创造力之间,存在着内在矛盾。
The canoe bumped hard against something solid and unyielding. 独木舟猛然撞上什么硬邦邦的东西了。
Life is continuous learning, a relentless and unyielding professor! 生命是不断学习,无情和不屈的教授!
We must have an unyielding spirit. 我们必须有一个不屈不挠的精神。