He was awarded a Bronze Star for valor this month. 今年8月,杰纳里少校因为自己的英勇行为被授予了铜星勋章。
Iraq war correspondents deserve respect for valor. 报导伊拉克战事的英勇记者值得受表扬。
The valor and selfless devotion of these men fills their families with immeasurable pride. 这些人的勇敢和无私奉献让他们的家人感到无比自豪。
The king knighted the soldier for his valor. 国王因那位军人英勇而封他为爵士。
Goat-Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of policy than valor. 山羊-象征那些更凭借外务式的雇佣而没有是一己英勇来获患上成功的人。
I'm confident in our success because I know the valor of the young Americans who defend us. 我有信心,在我们的成功,因为我知道英勇的年轻美国人,他们为我们辩护。
The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy. 阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。
Having or showing valor. 具有或者表现出英勇的特点。
For he did not wish tribute or song, nor monuments, nor poems of war and valor. 他没想要任何贡品、颂歌或歌功颂德的墓碑、诗词。
Marked by or done with valor. We are no carpet soldiers, but courageous troops. 英勇的以勇敢为特色的,或与勇气相伴的我们不是少爷兵,而是英勇善战的勇士。
This honour was conferred upon them in intuition to their valor. 他们因为英勇而获得此项荣誉。
A knight honored for valor; entitled to display a square banner and to hold higher command. 因英勇而被授予荣誉的骑士;被授权可以显示一块方旗并且掌握更高的命令权。
The British people are unified with a unity almost unexampled in history for its endurance and its valor, yet that unity co-exists with an unimpaired freedom of criticism and of suggestion. 英国人凭著历史上绝无仅有的忍耐力和勇猛,统一成一个整体,与之俱在丝毫未减的自由批评和建议。
His valor in the war was seen by everybody. 他在战争中的英勇人所共见。
Let us honor their valor by providing the care they need and rebuilding the military they love. 让我们为他们提供所需的照顾,重建他们所热爱的部队,以此来褒奖他们的英勇气概。
It was this valor that won our independence. 正是这种骁勇让我们赢得了独立;
The captain is always boasting of his military valor. 上尉老是自夸阵前之勇。
It surpasses valor, discretion, prudence, even majesty itself. 它超过勇敢、判断力、审慎,乃至帝王之尊。
They owed their lives to the valor of the firemen. 他们将其(新的)生命归功于消防员的英勇。
In traditional Chinese culture, tiger symbolized power and valor. 虎在中国传统文化里,象征着威武勇猛。
The highest U.S.Military decoration awarded for bravery and valor in action'above and beyond the call of duty '. 美国军队授予战斗中“超出职责范围异乎寻常”勇敢表现的最高勋章。
Young Lord musashi, how can we ever repay you for delivering our daughter from such peril? Your extraordinary valor inspires us all. 年轻的武藏大人,我们真的不知道该如何报答你在险境中救回我们的女儿?你异常的勇气深深激励了我们。
Perfect Valor is to do, without a witness, all that we could do before the whole world. 真正的英勇是无人目睹的情况下一如面对天下人般行事。
Money is an issue, says Prof Valor. 巴洛尔表示:钱是一个问题。
As service members, they have shown exceptional valor and heroism on battlefields from the American Revolution to Iraq and Afghanistan. 作为军人,他们在从独立战争到伊拉克及阿富汗的战场上表现出了非凡的勇气和无畏的气概。
The great king admires the valor ofyou and your men. 伟大的国王很欣赏你与你人们的勇气。
Prof Valor should know he holds the chair in information systems at IESE. 巴洛尔教授当然知道这点他是iese商学院信息系统的负责人。
To one and all, I pledge, from this day forward, to rule my kingdom with wisdom and valor. 对所有子民,我宣誓,从今以后,我将以智慧和勇气统治我的王国。
Throughout American history, this valor has preserved our way of life and our sacred freedoms. 这种骁勇捍卫我们的生活方式和神圣的自由遍布在美国历史上。