He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV. 他一有空闲时间就窝在家里看电视。
The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously. 园子里的植物在茁壮成长。
The fields vegetate vigorously. 这块地上旺盛地长起了植被。
Many elderly folk vegetate and die in loneliness. 许多老人过着呆板单调的生活并在孤寂中死去。
When I am in the country, I wish to vegetate like the country. I am not for criticizing hedgerows and black cattle. 来到野外,我就希望过野外简单的生活,来到野外,并非为评点绿篱与黑牛。
On the Rise of National Bourgeoisie and Reformation During the Hundred Days Reform; In those countries which are but little developed, industrially and commercially, these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie. 论戊戌维新时期民族资产阶级状况和维新运动的兴起在工商业不很发达的国家里,这个阶级还在新兴的资产阶级身旁勉强生存着。
In fact, they were energetic; an energetic man will succeed where an indolent one would vegetate and inevitably perish. 事实上,他们的精力非常旺盛,在一个懒汉必然死亡的地方,他们是可以成功的。
The curiae and the gentes of which they were composed were thus degraded, as in athens, to mere private and religious associations and continued to vegetate as such for a long period while the assembly of the Curio soon became completely dormant. 这样一来,库里亚和构成它们的各氏族,像在雅典一样,就降为纯粹私人的和宗教的团体,并且作为这样的团体还苟延残喘了很久,而库里亚大会不久就完全消失了。
( 3) The bulb only vegetate one little adnation bulb during growth in 1 year and the little adnation bulb is the only one which can flower. 细叶百合的鳞茎在生长发育过程中一年仅形成1个侧生小鳞茎,且此鳞茎是下一年唯一能抽生花茎、进行有性生殖的鳞茎。
From the branching to the period of pods, the lenth of internode, number of leaves and LAI of two cultivars are lower than ck, but the speed of vegetate is faster than ck. 各处理植株的叶片数、叶面积指数、节间长度在分枝期至结荚期低于对照,但开花期1至开花期2的生长速度高于对照。
In this article, intercomparsion of several different vegetate materials was discussed from contaminations release, growth potential, biotic province and improvement effects of water environment. 从物质释放、植物生长势、生物区系和水质改善效应四个方面考虑对不同基质材料进行了比较实验研究。
Consciousness-promoted Rehabilitation of the Patients in Persistent Vegetate State 持续性植物状态患者的促醒康复
Effect of injection of consciousness-promoted drug through carotid artery on persistent vegetate state 颈动脉注射促醒药物治疗持续植物状态疗效观察
Plants accumulate excessive sodium irons that cause ions toxicity and osmotic stress then abnormal metabolism if they vegetate in a high ion environment for some time, which have serous effect on plants growth and even result in death. 当植物在高盐环境中生长一段时间后就会积累过量的Na~+,引发离子毒害、渗透胁迫而使植物的新陈代谢紊乱,严重影响植株的生长发育,甚至导致死亡。