
n.  藜芦定



  1. Aim: To observe the effects of Ca~ ( 2+)-activated K~+ channel of primary cultured fetal SD rat cortex neurons in the veratridine triggered neuronal damage.
  2. Slow Wave Oscillation-induced and Oscillation-triggered by Veratridine in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
  3. Triggered oscillations in type A dorsal root ganglion neurons induced by veratridine
  4. The firing patterns induced by veratridine and aconitine, inhibitors of inactivation gate of sodium channel operating on different binding sites, were compared.
  5. Effects of intracerebroventricular tetrodotoxin and veratridine on the MAC of isoflurane in rats
  6. The slow sodium influx educed by veratridine and the calcium-dependent potassium outflux are regarded as the two slow variables, which are responsible for the parabolic bursting.