The VFS is followed by the flash file system, which will be covered in the next section. VFS下面是flash文件系统(将在下节介绍)。
Note that the inode I refer to here is the VFS layer inode ( in-memory inode). 我在这里所指的inode是VFS层inode(常驻inode)。
The internal architecture of the VFS is made up of a dispatching layer that provides the file system abstraction and a number of caches to improve the performance of file system operations. VFS的内部架构由一个调度层(提供文件系统抽象)和许多缓存(用于改善文件系统操作的性能)组成。
The file system driver implementation routes requests from the VFS back to user space. 文件系统驱动程序实现将来自VFS的请求发送回用户空间。
That's the20,000-foot view of the VFS and file system components. 这就是VFS和文件系统组件的高层情况。
The two major objects that are dynamically managed in the VFS include the dentry and inode objects. 在VFS中动态管理的两个主要对象是dentry和inode对象。
The VFS acts as the root level of the file-system interface. VFS作为文件系统接口的根层。
Several popular languages now support VFS constructs, and Cameron Laird shows you what they are good for. 几种流行的语言现在都支持VFS构造,CameronLaird向您说明这些构造适用于什么。
The VFS is the primary interface to the underlying file systems. VFS是底层文件系统的主要接口。
The hierarchical nature of a file system is managed by another object in VFS called a dentry object. 文件系统的层次结构由VFS中的另一个称为dentry的对象管理。
Above the VFS is the standard kernel system-call interface ( SCI). 在VFS之上的是标准的内核系统调用接口(SCI)。
Let's now look at the internals of the VFS to see how this works. 让我们看看VFS的内部结构及其工作原理。
This process begins as a call to mount ( a Linux system call), which is routed through the VFS to the NFS component. 该流程以对mount(Linux系统调用)的调用开始,它通过VFS路由到NFS组件。
The upper level accepts requests from above ( such as the VFS) and converts them into SCSI requests. 较高层接受来自上层(比如VFS)的请求并将其转换成SCSI请求。
The architecture of such DB2 features as its journalling filesystem rests on a VFS model. 象日志记录文件系统这样的DB2功能部件的体系结构就依靠于VFS模型。
At the top is the virtual file system ( VFS), which presents a common interface to higher-level applications. 架构的顶层是虚拟文件系统(VFS),它为高级应用程序提供通用接口。
As Linux presents a common interface to the file systems ( through the virtual file system switch [ VFS]), the user's perspective of Ceph is transparent. 因为Linux显示文件系统的一个公共界面(通过虚拟文件系统交换机[VFS]),Ceph的用户透视图就是透明的。
The virtual file system ( VFS) is the abstraction layer for the multitude of file systems that are supported in the kernel. 而虚拟文件系统(VFS)是内核中支持的大多数文件系统的抽象层。
The only difficulty is that few language run-time libraries currently support full-blown VFS. 最大的困难就是当前支持成熟的VFS的语言运行时库很少。
The virtual file system ( VFS) is an interesting aspect of the Linux kernel because it provides a common interface abstraction for file systems. 虚拟文件系统(VFS)是Linux内核中非常有用的一个方面,因为它为文件系统提供了一个通用的接口抽象。
Basically it delegates most of the VFS calls to a specialized daemon that handles them. 从根本上来说,它将大部分VFS调用都委托给一个专用的守护进程来处理。
VFS simplifies a range of interesting problems. VFS简化了许多有趣的问题。
The VFS provides the abstraction layer, separating the POSIX API from the details of how a particular file system implements that behavior. VFS提供抽象层,从而将POSIXAPI与特定文件系统如何实现该行为的细节分离开来。
Now, let's add some concrete architecture to the abstract features that the Linux VFS provides. 现在,我们向LinuxVFS提供的抽象特性添加一些具体的架构。
Creating filesystems required knowledge of kernel programming and the kernel technologies ( like vfs). 创建文件系统需要了解内核编程和内核技术(例如vfs)方面的知识。
At the core of that set of interfaces is the virtual file system switch ( VFS). 这组接口的核心就是虚拟文件系统交换器(VFS)。
The file system interface& This interface supports VFS and vnode operations. 文件系统接口,这个接口支持VFS和vnode操作。
With VFS, though, resource management is far easier and more rational. 但是,有了VFS,资源管理就变得非常容易且更加合理。
The well-known Zope application server provides a slightly more challenging example of a VFS. 众所周知的Zope应用程序服务器提供了一个颇有挑战性的VFS示例。
At the bottom of the VFS are the file system abstractions that define how the upper-layer functions are implemented. 在VFS下面是文件系统抽象,它定义了上层函数的实现方式。