
英 [ˈvɪlɪfaɪd] 美 [ˈvɪlɪfaɪd]

v.  污蔑; 诽谤; 诋毁; 中伤



  1. VERB 诬蔑;诋毁;诽谤;中伤
    If you are vilified by someone, they say or write very unpleasant things about you, so that people will have a low opinion of you.
    1. The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs...
    2. He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.


  1. The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs
  2. He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.
  3. His first book, the four steps to the Epiphany, unintentionally vilified both venture capitalists and business school scholars.
  4. I'm certain to be vilified by some engineers for even mentioning this approach, but you can parse XML with regular expressions.
  5. Much better that business and its protagonists are household names than clandestine figures. If wealth creators are admired rather than vilified, it will surely inspire the next generation of founders.
  6. The Labour leader started from a low base. He has long been caricatured and vilified by a hostile media.
  7. Over the past two weeks, Mr Leung has been vilified on the streets of Hong Kong, with protesters depicting him as Dracula, the Devil, and Pinocchio.
  8. Jefferson is sometimes vilified for anticipating the legacy of slavery, and of the doctrine of white supremacy that permitted it. But he was more prescient than many would care to admit.
  9. As we watched one group be completely vilified, nobody stood up, he said.
  10. All those who fought back against capitalism were vilified mercilessly by the Murdoch and right-wing gutter media in general.
  11. Opening your factories to the world is a statement that you would prefer to know the truth and that those who uncover dark secrets will be thanked for their trouble rather than vilified.
  12. But even innovations that are directed to unimpeachably "good" ends often bear substantial resemblances to those that are now vilified.
  13. People who are unrelentingly vilified tend to end up cold and hard.
  14. The report is damning of RBS and its former management, led by Sir Fred Goodwin, the vilified former chief executive, and Johnny Cameron, former head of the investment banking division.
  15. However, it saddens me the way the guy is being vilified on these boards.
  16. Mikael Silvestre is confident Reds supporters will belligerently back the21-year-old, as they have with the publicly vilified David beckham, Eric Cantona and Roy Keane in recent years.
  17. But whoever did it, Mr Putin has been vilified in the west's media.
  18. She was vilified by the press for her controversial views.
  19. The Wenzhou entrepreneur is a mythical and often sympathetic figure to rival the vilified Shanxi mine boss.
  20. And Ronaldo, widely vilified, has become a microcosm of Portugal.
  21. In just over a month, corporate America has seen the downfall of three of its most vilified legal opponents.
  22. He also insists that banks should not be vilified for taking risks.
  23. He was vilified for making those broadcasts.
  24. Inception misses being these two types. However, it is not vilified by the film critics for the simple reason: probably only the NASA system analyst can completely understand the plot.
  25. Scientists, professors and engineers distinguished for their contributions were labelled bourgeois academic authorities, and outstanding young and middle-aged scientists and technicians trained by our party and state were vilified as`` shoots of revisionism ''.
  26. But you need not even be the person who brings the bad news: you can be vilified for repeating what has been in the headlines for weeks.
  27. Musicians vilified TV in songs like "She Watch Channel Zero" and "Television, the Drug of the Nation".
  28. The rhetoric has escalated on the other side, with the US Chamber of Commerce complaining that the White House and Congress have "vilified industries while embarking on an ill-advised course of government expansion, major tax increases, massive deficits and job-destroying regulations".
  29. Like most agricultural innovators since, he was vilified.