
网络  伏安图; 伏安图谱; 伏安



  1. A new method for Chinese green tea classification is proposed based on chemometric analysis of voltammogram of copper electrode.
  2. The electrochemical properties were studied by cyclic voltammogram and the results show that the Pt-catalysts possess excellent methanol electrocatalytic activity and stability.
  3. The effects of impure and denatured SOD on cyclic voltammogram were investigated, confirming that no denaturation was caused during adsorption on mercury electrodes.
  4. The variation of peak potential and peak current has been showed on cyclic voltammogram when the electroactive guest molecules are complexed with cyclodextrin.
  5. The effect of some rare earth compound on active material performance and O 2 evolution behavior of positive electrode in lead acid battery were studied by determination of cyclic voltammogram, charge and discharge characteristics, and O 2 evolution at various potentials including stable potential.
  6. The results of cyclic voltammogram, AC impedance and performance of cyclic behavior showed that as the electrolyte of rechargeable magnesium it presents a good cyclic behavior.
  7. By means of the cyclic voltammogram, the effects of upper potential and activation mode on the catalytic activity of two Pt/ C catalysts prepared by the sulfurous route and the stannous method for methanol electro-oxidation were investigated.
  8. Cyclic voltammogram ( CV) shows flower-like NiO may be used as a good electrode material for supercapacitor.
  9. The adrenochrome can also take part in oxidation-reduction reaction when the potential is about zero volt, consequently, there is another pair of oxidation-reduction peaks correspondingly in the cyclic voltammogram.
  10. The nearly reversible redox peaks of basic blue were shown on the thin layer cyclic voltammogram.
  11. The thickness of polymembrane has great effect on voltammogram properties of membrane electrode.
  12. There are an anodic peak and a cathodic peak in the cyclic voltammogram of poly ( methylene green) at various temperatures. Their peak currents increase with increasing temperature, which means that the reaction rate of the electrode increases with increasing temperature.
  13. The effect of a mixed additive with Ce and Y elements on the electrochemical properties of ( Ni ( OH)_2) electrode and Ni-MH battery at high temperature has been investigated using the constant current charge/ discharge and cyclic voltammogram ( CV) measurements.
  14. Their electrochemical properties were studied by charge-dis charge of constant current and cyclic voltammogram.
  15. The electrochemical behavior of Ce~ ( 4+)/ Ce~ ( 3+) in sulfuric acid on platinum electrode was investigated with conventional ways, such as linear sweep polarization and cyclic voltammogram, etc.
  16. Their structures have been determined by X-ray single analyses, and their Molar conductance, IR spectra, UV-Vis spectra and Cyclic voltammogram also have been studied. We can conclude that complex 3 is similar to complex 1 、 2, and is mononuclear four coordinated complex.
  17. Physical characteristics and electrochemical performances of Li1+ xV3O8 were investigated by XRD, SEM, galvanostatic charge-discharge and cyclic voltammogram tests.
  18. Cyclic voltammogram of the TTF-Ag nanoparticles on a Pt electrode showed that it was a redox active nano-system.
  19. Only when Sn content in Pb-Ca alloy was more than 0.6wt%, its anodic dissolution of Sn could been observed from cyclic voltammogram and had effect to eliminate the premature capacity loss.
  20. Polyaniline film electrode was synthesised by cyclic voltammogram.
  21. Electrochemical properties of mesoporous anatase TiO2 films have been studied by using cyclic voltammogram and potential step techniques.
  22. Preparation of glucose oxidase electrode by electrochemical inlay technique, and the electrochemi-cal properties of the electrode by cyclic voltammogram and differentiation pulse voltammogram were analysed.
  23. It was observed by cyclic voltammogram that the electrode reaction is irreversible.
  24. The differences between the purchased lead carbonate and the prepared lead carbonate were studied by methods of cycle voltammogram, electrochemical impedance spectroscope ( EIS), constant current discharge, thermogravimetric analysis and scan electron microscope ( SEM).
  25. In addition, the electrochemical properties of VO2 ( B) like-nanosphere at various reaction times were compared by using cyclic voltammogram.
  26. The electrochemical properties of C60 nanotubes were tested. The voltammogram oxidation peak of C60 nanotubes did not appear which means that the reduced C60 nanotubes can not be electro-oxidation under the experimental conditions.
  27. Scanning rate in the polarization curve and cyclic voltammogram effects both number and position of the current peaks in the oxidation area of S2-.
  28. These complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, fluorescence, variable temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements, EPR spectra and cyclic voltammogram.
  29. The cyclic voltammogram curves showed that the polyaniline which phosphoric acid as doping agents had good reversibility and the high response current.