Continue with the vulgarities, they wear very well on a beer brain like you. 继续说脏话吧。那些人都衣着光鲜,但包裹的却是象你一样的啤酒脑袋。
If ever I shared your wine, laughed at your vulgarities or humored you with argument. 曾经分享你的酒,为你的粗俗举止和颇有争议的幽默发笑。
Among offenses cited: essay plagiarism, vulgarities in blogs and photos showing underage drinking. 其中的***有:短文剽窃,博客和照片中的粗俗显示出了未达年龄的酗酒。
The similarities mainly lie in three aspects: religion and god, death and disease, vulgarities. 共同点主要在于三个方面:宗教和神灵,死亡和疾病,粗俗语言。
A profound analysis of the use of dialects, idioms and vulgarities is done in this part. The use of dialects and idioms are attached great importance. 这一部分主要从方言词、熟语、粗俗语的运用作较深入地分析。