
n.  水运工具;船(舶);筏



  1. He's also worried fish and coral larvae could get pumped through some of the equipment the watercraft use and die.
  2. The paper analyses the factors that influence the reliability of fire alarm system in watercraft.
  3. Application of genetic algorithm to watercraft fittings storage random plan
  4. Design of the Command Control Subsystem of a Watercraft Simulation Training System
  5. The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft.
  6. A Discussion on Quality Education in Watercraft Principle Curriculum Teaching
  7. He theorized that with the use of watercraft, people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level.
  8. The word "vessel" includes every description of watercraft, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.
  9. Mainly for the internal-combustion engine start-up, ignition and lighting on watercraft and flat roof on the sea, battery series for watercraft, vessel.
  10. Non-circular section part is wide used in aviation 、 astronavigation 、 auto and watercraft, the economical and high efficient machining method to those parts is NC machining.
  11. In order to enhance the service lifetime of products made of carbon steel in the cabin of watercraft, the 20# carbon steel is galvanized in a bath without ammonia or cyanogen and then a post passivation disposal is carried out.
  12. Diesel engine generator set is one of the majorities of power equipment for marine, which sup ˉ plies power for the electric equipment and determinates the whole performance of the watercraft.
  13. Design of fault prediction system for monitoring the operation state of watercraft diesel
  14. The Design Scheme of Watercraft Monitoring and Controlling System
  15. A jet propulsion model was designed and the structural dimensions of its reaction chamber and jet nozzle were determined referring to the operating principle of the jet engine in the exploration and investigation of the newfashioned propulsion for the watercraft.
  16. Study on Simulation of Anti-missile of Watercraft Formation in Navigation
  17. Tung oil was also used in the shipbuilding to improve the caking property and impermeability of the watercraft.
  18. The design of the watercraft fittings storage decision support system ( FSDSS) is given.
  19. Design and application of the C~ 3I system used to manage the power-equipment of army watercraft
  20. Embedded computers have been applied in many fields of manufacturing, such as process control, communication, automobile, watercraft, aviation, spaceflight, military equipment and consuming products, etc. It provides us a good chance for the development of micro-embedded GIS software.
  21. Fairness included in engineering is different from smoothness in mathematics. It is one of the requirements of product's form in the computer-aided design of aircraft, automobile, watercraft and household appliances, etc.
  22. Objective To investigate the current hygienic conditions of concentrated water supply, the system of watercraft process and the ability of water factories hygienic management, the quality of fresh water and drinking water.
  23. As far as improving the control level of watercraft vibration, especially improving the concealment performance and combat effectiveness of armada, researching the new technique and method which are agreement with ship dynamical equipment has the academic and practical significance.
  24. With the development of economy, the process of manufacture in petrochemical industries and transportation of hazardous materials with airplane or watercraft often occur fuel spills, which frequently incur severe fires and result in catastrophic consequence.
  25. The use of the system will greatly improve the work efficiency and quality, and the strict management of authority limits meets the need of unity management and keeping secrets in terms of watercraft equipment support.
  26. It is the first time for the hybrid coding immune identification algorithm to identify the watercraft load model and actualize the measuring of loading and unloading cargo.
  27. Researches on loading capacity of structures are very important in the fields of aviation, spaceflight, watercraft, automobile, building and bridges et al.
  28. After entering twenty-one century, the transportation of energy source and starting material are more important day after day, so we can see the importance of transportation of watercraft.
  29. With the development of science and technology, the demand to the capability of stable platform used in watercraft is continuously rising.



  1. a craft designed for water transportation

      Synonym:    vessel

    1. skill in the management of boats