The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas. 这所大学有着欢迎海外研究生就读的悠久传统。
Having a well-established service owning and funding model helps resolve such issues consistently and efficiently. 建立明确的服务所有权和出资模型有助于一致且高效地解决这些问题。
Formal change management is a well-established practice that is adopted by most software delivery organizations. 规范的变更管理是一种容易建立的操作方法,容易被大多数的软件交付机构采用。
Iterative methods are well-established in development practice. 迭代方法在开发实践中的结构良好。
J2EE is a well-established standard with several solid implementations and, most importantly, is a proven technology. J2EE是一个已经设置好的标准,有许多固定的实现,而且,最重要的是,它是一个经过验证的技术。
Even database administrators and other professionals operate within a universe of well-established concepts and reliable functionality. 甚至数据库管理员和其他专业人员都在广为接受的概念和可靠功能范围内进行操作。
The secret of success in electronic commerce lies in placing a new emphasis on a well-established area. 电子商务的秘诀在于在一个良好的区域放置一个新的重点。
Hong Kong has a well-established and trusted legal system based on the common law. 香港拥有完善的和可信赖的法律制度建基于普通法的。
My awkwardness with my father is well-established. 我和我父亲之间的尴尬根深蒂固。
We have a pretty well-established process at Dell now where we evaluate our leaders and development capacity. 戴尔有一个,很健全的评估体系,来评估我们的领导者和发展能力。
Rather, this opening mechanism is an innovative development of an existing, widely used and well-established packaging method. 相反,开放的机制,这是一个创新发展现有的,被广泛应用和完善的包装方法。
They shall have the well-established internal control system and formulate and execute the unified credit system; 有健全的内控机制,制定和实施了统一授信制度;
RESULTS: Existing software solutions provide static and well-established algorithms in a restrictive package. 结果:现有的软件解决方案在一个限制性软件包中提供了静态的,得到确认的算法。
HIV has spread rapidly in a defined sub-population, but is not well-established in the general population. 艾滋病毒已在一个确定的子总体中迅速扩散,但尚未在一般人群中牢固确立。
A well-established firm in this trade. 在这一行业里算得上是有名的老商号了。
China Telecom and China Unicom have built their services on well-established technologies. 中国电信和中国联通的3G服务则建立在十分成熟的技术基础之上。
They have well-established connections with the Japanese company. 他们和那家日本公司有着由来已久的联系。
This company is a well-established, and reliable leader in chromium plated goods for both domestic and industrial markets. 本公司声誉卓著、产品可靠,是家用市场和工业市场中镀铬产品的行业魁首。
Some of them, such as Shao Fan, are already well-established in China. 他们中的一些人,比如邵帆,在中国已经相当有声望。
Two well-established general principles are very helpful in determining whether consideration really exists. 在决定对价是否真正存在时,两个已经确立的一般原则是很有帮助的。
Since this experiment numerous studies of cognitive dissonance have been carried out and the effect is well-established. 在这个实验之后,人们又进行了大量关于认知失调的研究,并且有了可喜的成果。
In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the design phase. 在系统开发过程中,设计阶段使用一种得到充分确认的原则模块性。
With years of experience in the industry, we have developed a well-established distribution network. 以几年经验在产业我们开发了源远流长的分布式网路。
These well-established concepts need to inform public policy and food fortification programs. 需要让公共政策和食品强化项目知道这些已经被大家接受了的概念。
Currently, domestic sales have been well-established network of distributors and stability of the team; 目前,在国内已经拥有完善的销售网络和稳定的分销商团队;
Given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system. 使之具有风俗的特点或者与结构化的、通常是已确立了的体系融为一体。
And we bought a company that had a well-established sales-marketing organization. 我们收购了这样一家公司,它有着很好的销售市场机构。
Well-established institutions and infrastructure are particularly important to the development of the services sector in a free market. 优良的制度和基本建设,对在自由市场发展服务业,尤为重要。
The well-established firm closed down with the loss of 6000 jobs. 那家地位巩固的公司倒闭了,造成6000个职位丧失。
We are a well-established exporter of all kinds of Chinese goods. 我们是一家久享盛誉的各种中国商品的出口商。