
英 [ˈwɜːlwɪndz] 美 [ˈwɜrlˌwɪndz]

n.  旋风; 旋流; 一片忙乱


  1. (陆地或海洋上的)旋风,旋流
    A whirlwind is a tall column of air which spins round and round very fast and moves across the land or sea.
    1. N-COUNT 一连串的突发事件
      You can describe a situation in which a lot of things happen very quickly and are very difficult for someone to control as a whirlwind .
      1. I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity...
      2. He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.
    2. ADJ 旋风般的;匆匆忙忙的;快速的
      A whirlwind event or action happens or is done much more quickly than normal.
      1. He got married after a whirlwind romance.
      2. ... a whirlwind tour of France.


    1. As whirlwinds in the south pass through; so it cometh from the desert, from a terrible land.
    2. And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the LORD God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.
    3. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
    4. These two men, standing there motionless and in conversation, in the snow which was falling in whirlwinds, formed a group that a policeman would surely have observed, but which Marius hardly noticed.
    5. So like Dorothy and Toto, we mentors are blown by whirlwinds of impending disaster into new territories where our presence naturally disrupts the status quo.
    6. The feeling that you cannot survive such whirlwinds also arises from a consummation on a purely inner plane.
    7. Normally, suction created by the whirlwinds removes a thin layer of light-colored dust from the Martian surface as the devils move, leaving behind dark lines.
    8. The stand alone ability Whirlwind had this bullet-proofing as part of the spell, but the new whirlwinds created as part of Bladestorm did not.
    9. With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire.
    10. These are fountains without water, and clouds tossed with whirlwinds, to whom the mist of darkness is reserved.
    11. They base this belief upon the known effects that sunspots produce, and upon one astronomer's uncontested showing that sunspots are whirlwinds of electrified matter that burst out in pairs from the sun's interior.
    12. But our views are blurred by the whirlwinds of markets, as firms and fortunes, the commercial "empires" of this era, are lost and made.
    13. ( Greek mythology) son of Gaea and Tartarus who created the whirlwinds; had a terrifying voice and 100 dragon heads that spurted fire.
    14. ( Greek mythology) one of the whirlwinds; son of Typhoeus and Echidna; father of Cerberus and the Chimera and the Sphinx.
    15. Winds, clouds, whirlwinds, gusts, useless stars!