
美 [ˈwɪsəlˌbloʊər]

n.  告发者;揭发者



  1. N-COUNT 告发者;检举者
    A whistle-blower is someone who finds out that the organization they are working for is doing something immoral or illegal and tells the authorities or the public about it.
    1. He has been a prominent victim of alleged witch-hunts against whistle-blowers in the NHS.


  1. The board should also review the way it monitors and handles whistleblower complaints.
  2. Russian president brings end to mystery over whistleblower's whereabouts after days of confusion.
  3. The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has revealed that the surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden is indeed in a Moscow airport, ending a global guessing game over the US fugitive's whereabouts.
  4. She called him a whistleblower.
  5. His intent was to act as a whistleblower, not as a spy for a foreign government, he told the magazine.
  6. After a whistleblower made allegations against the company last year, GSK first relied on an internal probe with external legal and auditor support.
  7. The Americans have had a Fifa whistleblower, Chuck Blazer, helping them amass large volumes of evidence.
  8. The SEC says the new whistleblower rules, which became effective on August 12, resulted in 334 complaints through the end of September.
  9. Whistleblower Edward Snowden has been elected to the historic position of Rector of the University of Glasgow.
  10. Der Spiegel said it had gained partial access to a top secret NSA document dated 2010 that was obtained by Edward Snowden, an agency contractor turned whistleblower.
  11. That law strengthened whistleblower protections against retaliation and provided for financial incentives to report wrongdoing.
  12. But 68 percent said they were not aware of the new federal whistleblower program, which is being operated by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  13. But on its official account on Sina Weibo, the Chinese microblogging site, Xinhua appeared to endorse the actions of the media whistleblower who first raised concerns about Mr Liu.
  14. A separate internal probe into the whistleblower allegations failed to find evidence of systemic corruption but did find isolated cases of wrongdoing that resulted in staff dismissals, GSK said.
  15. It means strengthening whistleblower protections for government employees who step forward to report wasteful spending.
  16. While the IRS was aware of tax compliance issues related to secret bank accounts in Switzerland and elsewhere, the information provided by the whistleblower formed the basis for unprecedented actions against UBS.
  17. The size of the whistleblower rewards announced Wednesday are already having an impact.
  18. Samsung's accuser is no ordinary whistleblower.
  19. The securities and Exchange Commission began its own whistleblower programme in 2011.
  20. A copy of the Whistleblower Policy can be obtained from Internal Control department or the Company's Website.
  21. From another perspective, it can harm the whistleblower and the company.
  22. Only after we completed our background investigation on the whistleblower did they reveal the details to us.
  23. They said they had been contacted by a whistleblower on board a state-sponsored whaling ship where crew members were illegally receiving boxes of whale meat.
  24. I didn't publish this allegation on New Threads until some journalists have identified and contacted the whistleblower, because it is our policy not to publish anonymous allegations.
  25. His reward is believed to be the largest bestowed on a whistleblower.
  26. But before we treat Mr Snowden as a heroic whistleblower, it is worth remembering that he has reached out to governments that care little for the rights of their own people.
  27. We know that person is very influential and I believed she was indeed the whistleblower.
  28. And this is the age of the whistleblower if they were all crooks, surely they would get caught.



  1. an informant who exposes wrongdoing within an organization in the hope of stopping it
    1. the law gives little protection to whistleblowers who feel the public has a right to know what is going on
    2. the whistleblower was fired for exposing the conditions in mental hospitals

    Synonym:    whistle blowerwhistle-blower