
网络  世界知识产权组织; 知识产权组织; 世界智慧财产权组织; 产权



  1. With the approval of the general assembly, these proposals will now be implemented immediately by wipo.
  2. WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
  3. It supported, therefore, a step-by-step approach, that was constructive and in search for mutually agreed decisions, in the form and the substance of a WIPO development agenda.
  4. WIPO also agreed to set up a fund to help indigenous people attend discussions of its work on local genetic resources and traditional knowledge.
  5. In the context of technical assistance and on the organization of wipo's work on providing technical assistance, the delegation suggested to work on cooperating with other UN organizations.
  6. Regarding the WIPO development agenda, the delegation regretted that agreement had not been reached on this issue during the past two years.
  7. China is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO), an organization dedicated to promoting the use and protection of intellectual property.
  8. Third, it hosted the WIPO Japan office, starting from september, to conduct empirical research, regarding IP and economic development, which would be applicable for developing countries around the globe.
  9. The three WIPO intersessional intergovernmental meetings brought a rich tableau of proposals that concretely addressed those concerns.
  10. At its annual meeting last week, the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO), created a committee to discuss how to make these interests central to WIPO's activities and advice.
  11. The new head, Francis Gurry, is trying to revive the organisation's development agenda, and't Hoen said WIPO has offered UNITAID technical support.
  12. Negotiations have been taking place for three years and the proposals met resistance from WIPO members and some developed countries.
  13. Wipo is particularly concerned about the growth of services that allow registrations through a proxy.
  14. Although China joined WIPO Perfomlance and Phonograms Treaty in2007, there is still some difference between its copyright law and international treaty concerning the definition of performers.
  15. As a result, indigenous organisations have helped shape WIPO's documents on protecting traditional knowledge from being exploited.
  16. WIPO also offers capacity-building programs to facilitate technology transfer and exchange in developing countries.
  17. In addition the delegation suggested that WIPO could undertake development impact assessment of the existing and proposed IP norms.
  18. As Francis Gurry, WIPO director-general, says, this is remarkable.
  19. WIPO is responsible for promoting the progressive development and harmonization of IP legislation, standards and procedures among its member states.
  20. The World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO), a UN agency, has approved a new development-oriented agenda that takes into account the needs of developing countries.
  21. I welcome this opportunity to collaborate with WTO and WIPO as we jointly consider policies for drug procurement, pricing, and intellectual property from a public health perspective.
  22. This kind of community experience has informed the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO) towards international solutions.
  23. Disclosure: wipo will provide you all of your personal information provided electronically at registration upon request.
  24. WIPO is providing technical assistance for this purpose.
  25. At the2004 WIPO general assembly where it was backed mainly by developing countries and resisted by some developed countries.
  26. WIPO also set up a fund for members of indigenous communities to travel to Geneva ( where the organisation is based) to participate in discussions on genetic resources and indigenous knowledge.
  27. The Delegation stated that it was a very important topic for Brazil and references to competition policy were found in several documents of the WIPO Secretariat itself.
  28. To ensure member-driven procedures in which the wipo's Secretariat does not play a role by endorsing or supporting particular proposals, particularly in the negotiation of international treaties and norms.