To see the results, consider the most infamous scandal companies of the past several years – Enron, WorldCom, HealthSouth, Adelphia, Parmalat. 结果呢,看看过去几年最为臭名远扬的丑闻公司吧&安然(Enron)、世通(Worldcom)、南方保健(Healthsouth)、阿德菲亚传播公司(Adelphia)、帕马拉特公司(Parmalat)。
Its claim was in danger after the scandals of the Enron/ WorldCom era prompted Sarbanes-Oxley and other heavy-handed regulations, which drove many companies to capital markets elsewhere, especially London. 在安然(Enron)和世通公司(WorldCom)爆出丑闻之后,萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley)和其他一系列严厉的监管措施相继出台,令许多公司转投其他资本市场,特别是伦敦。
The sub-prime mortgage debacle, the Enron, WorldCom and options backdating scandals, and myriad other examples of corporate malfeasance suggest that our corporate leaders are capable of acting utterly irresponsibly. 次贷危机、安然(Enron)欺诈丑闻、世通(WorldCom)事件、期权回溯丑闻,以及其他层出不穷的企业违法案例表明,公司领导者们做起事来完全不负责任。
He oversaw the WorldCom bankruptcy and the appointment of former sec chair Richard Breeden as court monitor. 他曾经负责世通公司(WorldCom)破产一案,并指派前SEC主席理查德•布里登担任法庭监督人员。
As they replace the five with long tenures, they should consider the guideline WorldCom had to adopt after its crisis: one person leaves per year. 在替换现有的五位长期董事的过程中,他们应该考虑采用世通公司(WorldCom)在危机后实行的原则:每年替换一名董事。
The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company's restatement of accounts. 众议院金融服务委员会在确定世界电信前首席执行官和首席财务官在该公司发布财务报表中的地位时从该二人处几乎没有得到任何协助。
MCI, in an effort to distance itself from the accounting scandals that plagued the company when it went by the name WorldCom, on Tuesday named a defense contractor veteran as its chief ethics officer. 前身为世通的MCI公司,为了远离曾经折磨该公司的会计丑闻,星期二任命了一名来自军工合作公司的资深军官担任首席道德官。
This could prompt chief executives to hold off on their largest and boldest acquisition plans, returning to the risk-averse stance they took in 2002 and 2003, after the collapses of Enron and WorldCom. 这可能促使首席执行官们推迟其最大规模、最为大胆的收购计划,重新奉行2002年和2003年在安然(enron)及世通(worldcom)破产后采取的远离风险的姿态。
The response to Enron and WorldCom was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, seen as reasonably successful by some and overly bureaucratic by many. 在发生安然和世通丑闻后,政府出台了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxleyact)。该法案在一些人看来相当成功,但在多数人看来过于官僚。
Let us recall that when Washington examined self-regulation in the accounting industry in the wake of Enron and WorldCom, it chose to set up an oversight agency. 让我们回想一下,在安然(Enron)和世通公司(WorldCom)的丑闻曝光后,美国政府对会计行业的自我监管问题进行了检讨,之后它选择建立一个监督机构。
Scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and now Parmalat have shaken the business world and prompted new laws and regulations. 安然、世通、泰科以及现今的帕玛拉特丑闻震惊了工商界,并推动了新法规条例的出台。
Cynthia Cooper examines financial records for the WorldCom Corporation in Clinton, Mississippi. 辛西娅?库珀在密西西比河克林顿的世通公司负责检查财政纪录。
It had been a prominent provider of finance, on-and off-balance sheet, to Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia and Parmalat, among others. 花旗曾是安然、世通、阿德菲亚和帕玛拉特等丑闻公司的主要表内和表外融资提供者。
What caused the breakdowns of Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, and Global Crossing? How could these scandals have been avoided? 什么原因导致了安然、安达信、世通和环球电讯的破产?是否存在避免这些丑闻发生的可能性?
Ominously, a case can be made when looking at long-term charts that stocks could return to the lows they set in 2002 at the worst moment of the WorldCom scandal. 不妙的是,研究一下长线走势图,会发现股市可能回归2002年世通公司(WorldCom)丑闻最糟糕时的低位。
They allege that it provided conflicted advice to investors in WorldCom and Global Crossing, among other failed companies. 他们指控花旗集团在世通、电以及其它倒闭的公司上给投资者提供了自相矛盾的建议。
WorldCom reported that it is unable to pay its debts. Notice of Intended Payment to Creditors and Intended Application to Recission of Receiving Order 世通公司宣布,没有能力支付债务。拟发还偿款予债权人及拟申请撤销接管令通告
He has argued that 12 years half as much time as was handed out to other high-profile white-collar criminals including former chief executives of WorldCom and Enron would be sufficient punishment. 苏尔钦主张,判马多夫入狱12年将是足够的惩罚这将是前世通公司(worldcom)和安然公司(enron)首席执行官等著名白领罪犯所获刑期的一半。
The last time the SEC took such an active approach came in the wake of the 2001-2002 accounting scandals at Enron and WorldCom among other companies. 证交会上次采取如此积极的态度还是在2001年至2002年一系列会计丑闻之后,其中包括安然(enron)与世通(worldcom)的丑闻。
Business school professors are worried the suspicions that surrounded big business following the Enron and WorldCom bankruptcy listings in 2001 and 2002 have been exacerbated by the credit crunch and financial crises of the past year. 商学院教授们担心,继安然(enron)和世通公司(worldcom)分别于2001年和2002年破产后,对大企业的猜疑,因去年的信贷危机和金融危机而有所加剧。
An official with the communications business WorldCom. 她是电信业世通公司(WorldCom)的官员。
In the aftermath of scandals at Enron and WorldCom, many US business schools have placed a greater emphasis on ethics courses in their programmes of study. 安然(enron)和世通(worldcom)丑闻爆发后,美国许多商学院在课程设置中都加强了道德教育。
In the summer of 2002, as scandals at Enron and WorldCom signalled the end of the age of the imperial chief executive, a British peer named Conrad Black could not understand why he should worry about corporate excess. 2002年夏天,当安然(enron)和世通(worldcom)丑闻宣告威权首席执行官时代终结的时候,一位名叫康拉德布莱克(conradblack)的英国老板无法理解,为什么自己应当为挥霍企业经费而担忧。
Even without WorldCom's non-US subsidiaries, this will be by far the largest bankruptcy filing so far in the US. 即使不包括世界电信的非美国子公司,这也是美国到目前为止最大的一宗破产申请。
The House Energy and Commerce Committee has asked for more information from WorldCom, since the documents it has examined so far show that the accounting scandal may go back to1999. 由于已检查过的文件显示会计丑闻可能回溯至1999年,众议院能源和商务委员会已经向世界电信要求提供更多的信息。
Those losses, together with the costs of the group's involvement with Enron and WorldCom, seriously hampered efforts to create a top-tier investment bank from the merger of Chase Manhattan and JPMorgan in 2000. 这些损失,再加上受安然(Enron)和世通(WorldCom)牵连而付出的成本,严重影响了该集团在2000年借助合并大通曼哈顿和JP摩根而创建一流投资银行的努力。
And it would create the same conditions of inadequate oversight that allowed companies like Enron and WorldCom to engage in fraudulent activities. 并创造出允许如安然和WorldCom公司从事欺诈活动的相同的条件。
Since this century, Enron, WorldCom scandals have resulted in a serious credit crisis in accounting industry. 本世纪以来,安然、世通等财务欺诈事件引发了注册会计师行业严重的信任危机。
In 2001, the American Enron and Worldcom financial fraud scandal, in 2010, the Lehman Brothers collapsed. 2001年,美国安然、世通公司发生财务欺诈丑闻,2010年,雷曼兄弟公司倒塌。
In2002, a series financial fraud events happened in USA, such as Enron Event, the WorldCom bankruptcy. 2002年,美国发生了安然事件、世通事件等一系列重大的财务舞弊事件。