As in the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those ahead, so each new generation excels the last one.; Time makes it inevitable that in every profession the rising generation is worthier than the former one. 长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。
They hovered around the poor girl as soft as winds, and whispered into her ear of a worthier love and a loftier fate. 她们在这个可怜的女孩周围像风一样轻柔地盘旋着,对她轻声细语,告诉她还会有一段更值得守候的爱情和更高贵的命运。
Nay, rejoined the young minister, putting his hand to his heart, with a flush of pain flitting over his brow, were I worthier to walk there, I could be better content to toil here. 不是的,年轻的牧师插话说,他把手放在心口上,额上拣过一抹痛苦的红潮,如果我还有资格到那里去走动的话,我倒宁愿留在这里来吃苦。
I should like the chance to fence with a worthier opponent. 我希望有机会跟实力相当的对手击剑。
'I am bored with finance and interested in worthier missions,'like climate change and medicine, the'Black Swan'author confesses on his website. 这位“黑天鹅”理论的创建者在其网站上承认,他已对金融感到厌倦,并对诸如气候变化及医药等更具价值的使命感兴。
Keeping yourself alive is a task worthier of you. 继续活下去对你来说才更有价值。
While returning back, to share my pictures and travel notes with relatives, neighbors, classmates and friends turns the trip worthier than trip itself. 和亲戚,邻居,同学和朋友们分享旅行图片和笔记心得让旅行的价值超出行走本身。
Deserves the travail of a worthier pen. 值得更高明的笔的精写细描;
S.President on a pledge to invest in clean energy, growth plays in worthier sectors may also reward. 然而,在新上任的美国总统欧巴马誓言要投资绿色能源后,投资相关产业也可能会有赚头。
Until they're of worthier size. 真到他们长得够大为止。
In the first section of this part, I take two sonnets Herbert wrote when he was still young as examples, in order to show that he thinks the divine love is much worthier than the woman's love. 本章第一部分分析了赫伯特青年时写的两首十四行诗,以表明他认为上帝之爱比女性之爱更可敬。
At any conditions, including the condition of market economy, there will not be any fairness and justice, while the unreasonable structure of ownership and improper maneuver of market will make worthier social unfairness and injustice. 在任何条件下,包括市场经济条件下,都不会存在绝对公平和公正,不合理的所有制结构和不恰当的市场运作将加剧社会不公平和社会不公正。