Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren. 斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。
His Japanese ancestry has been played up by some of his opponents. 他的日本血统被一些对手大肆渲染。
Most people of European or African ancestry have the "wet" kind: thick and sticky. 大部分欧洲和非洲血统的人耳垢较湿,厚且粘。
Many of the early settlers in America had English ancestry. 许多早期美国移民的祖先都是英国人。
I often wondered my ancestry. 我时常对我的祖先们很好奇。
These buildings have an ancestry which can be traced back to Greece and rome. 这些建筑物历史悠久,可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时代。
I intend the birth of ascending children related unto my tapestry of ancestry. 我意愿与我祖先织锦有关的提升孩童得以诞生。
I intend to forgive anything that my ancestry perpetrated that harmed another. 我意愿宽恕我祖先犯下的、害他人的任何行径。
I intend to release all karma for warfare and disease in my ancestry. 我意愿释放我祖先中的所有战争和疾病业力。
I intend absolute forgiveness of my ancestry upon all dimensions that they have resided. 我意愿彻底绝对宽恕我所有密度中的家族和血统。
Hispanics are people of Spanish ancestry. 西班牙后裔就是具有西班牙血统的人。
Many of their genes share a common ancestry and function with human genes, and this is particularly true for orthologous genes. 许多它们的基因与人类基因共享一个共同的祖先和功能,这对直系同源基因是特别正确的。
The origin of vertebrates and their ancestry are problems still obscured by too few facts. 脊椎动物的起源和它们的始祖问题,由于事实太少仍然不很清楚。
There is nothing really that one's extensive ancestry has not already dreamt many times and experienced. 没有什么事情是你们祖先未曾梦想了多次并经历了多次的。
Related by common characteristics or ancestry. 有共同的特征和血统的关系。
Pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry. 与非洲血统美国人相关或者有非洲血统美国人的特点。
They are citizens of Chinese ancestry. 他们是中国血统的公民。
Sometimes I think this is the result of their ancestry, which could best be described as diverse. 有时候,我觉得这与他们的遗传有关。他们的血统用多样性一词来形容是再恰当不过了。
She said that would be more accurate than pinning the name on the genetic ancestry of the virus. 她说这将是更准确的名称比根据固定的遗传血统来命名病毒。
They trace their ancestry to King Xiutu of the Xiongnu. 追溯到他们的祖先匈奴的休屠王。
I intend to forgive my ancestry for the consumption of flesh including dolphin and whale form. 我意愿宽恕我的祖先以肉,包括海豚与鲸鱼为食的行径。
I intend to forgive all atrocities of war and torture as experienced in my ancestry. 我要去谅解我的祖先中所有体验了战争和拷打的祖先们。
I intend to forgive my ancestry for raising animals or fish for slaughter in painful or unclean circumstances. 我意愿宽恕为在痛苦及肮脏的环境中的宰杀而饲养动物或鱼类的我的祖先。
Ancestry is more about geography. 祖先是更多的与地理相关。
Having a similar structure or appearance but being of different ancestry. 同形的具有类似的结构或外表但世系不同的。
I intend to release all my personal karma from the era of Atlantis in my tapestry of ancestry. 我意愿解除我祖先织锦中来自亚特兰蒂斯时代的所有个人业力。
A person of Chinese ancestry. We should honour our ancestors. 华裔有中国人祖先的人我们还要缅怀祖先。
My first hula lessons triggered much karma in my ancestry around seduction and dance. 我的第一节草裙舞课程触发了我祖先中围绕诱惑与舞蹈的大量的业力。
I classified her ancestry as African american. 我判断她有非洲和美洲的血统。
I intend to forgive my ancestry for hunting dolphins, whales or any other kingdom. 我意愿宽恕我的祖先所做的猎捕海豚、鲸鱼或任何其他王国。