
英 [laɪn] 美 [laɪn]

n.  线; 线条; 界线; (尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界; 皱纹; 褶子
v.  (用…)做衬里; (在某物的内部)形成一层; 沿…形成行(或列、排)



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.277 / COCA.276



    线 long thin mark

  1. 线;线条
    a long thin mark on a surface
    1. a straight/wavy/dotted/diagonal line
      直 / 波状 / 虚 / 对角线
    2. a vertical/horizontal line
      垂直 / 水平线
    3. parallel lines
    4. Draw a thick black line across the page.
  2. 界线;(尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界
    a long thin mark on the ground to show the limit or border of sth, especially of a playing area in some sports
    1. The ball went over the line .
    2. Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road) .
    3. Your feet must be behind the line when you serve (= in tennis ) .
    4. They were all waiting on the starting line .
  3. 皱纹;褶子
    a mark like a line on sb's skin that people usually get as they get older
    1. He has fine lines around his eyes.
  4. 分界线 division

  5. 分界线;边界线
    an imaginary limit or border between one place or thing and another
    1. He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines .
    2. a district/county line
      行政区 / 郡界
    3. lines of longitude and latitude
  6. (思想或行为等的)界限,界线
    the division between one area of thought or behaviour and another
    1. We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion.
    2. There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it.
  7. 形状 shape

  8. 边线;轮廓线;形体;形状
    the edge, outline or shape of sb/sth
    1. He traced the line of her jaw with his finger.
    2. a beautiful sports car with sleek lines
  9. 人或物的行列 row of people/things

  10. 排;行;列
    a row of people or things next to each other or behind each other
    1. a long line of trees
    2. The children all stood in a line .
    3. They were stuck in a line of traffic.
  11. (人)队伍,行列
    a queue of people
    1. to stand/wait in line for sth
      站队 / 排队等候
    2. A line formed at each teller window.
  12. 工厂 in factory

  13. 生产线;流水线
    a system of making sth, in which the product moves from one worker to the next until it is finished
    1. 系列 series

    2. 按时间顺序排列的人(或物、事件);家系;家族
      a series of people, things or events that follow one another in time
      1. She came from a long line of doctors.
      2. to pass sth down through the male/female line
        通过父系 / 母系代代相传
      3. This novel is the latest of a long line of thrillers that he has written.
    3. 一系列按重要性排列的人
      a series of people in order of importance
      1. Orders came down the line from the very top.
      2. a line of command
      3. He is second in line to the chairman.
      4. to be next in line to the throne
    4. 文字 words

    5. 字行;便条;留言条;歌词;诗行
      a row of words on a page or the empty space where they can be written; the words of a song or poem
      1. Look at line 5 of the text.
      2. Write the title of your essay on the top line.
      3. I can only remember the first two lines of that song.
    6. (戏剧或电影的)台词,对白
      the words spoken by an actor in a play or film/movie
      1. to learn your lines
      2. a line from the film ‘Casablanca’
    7. (某些学校)罚学生抄写多次
      (in some schools) a punishment in which a child has to write out a particular sentence a number of times
      1. (尤指为达到某种目的说的)话,言语
        a remark, especially when sb says it to achieve a particular purpose
        1. Don't give me that line about having to work late again.
        2. That's the worst chat-up line I've ever heard.
      2. 绳索;金属线;管子 rope/wire/pipe

      3. 一段绳(或索、线等)
        a long piece of rope, thread, etc., especially when it is used for a particular purpose
        1. a fishing line
        2. He hung the towels out on the line (= clothes line) .
        3. They dropped the sails and threw a line to a man on the dock.
      4. 管道;线路
        a pipe or thick wire that carries water, gas or electricity from one place to another
        1. 电话 telephone

        2. 电话线路;电话号码
          a telephone connection; a particular telephone number
          1. Your bill includes line rental.
          2. The company's lines have been jammed (= busy) all day with people making complaints.
          3. I was talking to John when the line suddenly went dead .
          4. If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait) , I'll see if she is available.
        3. 铁道 railway/railroad

        4. 轨道;铁道;(铁路的)段,线路
          a railway/railroad track; a section of a railway/railroad system
          1. The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line.
          2. a branch line
          3. the East Coast line
        5. 路线;方向 route/direction

        6. (行进的)方向,路线;方位
          the direction that sb/sth is moving or located in
          1. Just keep going in a straight line ; you can't miss it.
          2. The town is in a direct line between London and the coast.
          3. Please move; you're right in my line of vision (= the direction I am looking in) .
          4. They followed the line of the river for three miles.
          5. Be careful to stay out of the line of fire (= the direction sb is shooting in) .
        7. 路线;路径;渠道
          a route from one place to another especially when it is used for a particular purpose
          1. Their aim was to block guerrilla supply lines .
        8. 态度;论点 attitude/argument

        9. (尤指公开表明的)态度,看法
          an attitude or a belief, especially one that sb states publicly
          1. The government is taking a firm line on terrorism.
          2. He supported the official line on education.
        10. 方法;方式
          a method or way of doing or thinking about sth
          1. I don't follow your line of reasoning .
          2. She decided to try a different line of argument (= way of persuading sb of sth) .
          3. sb's first line of attack/defence
            某人进行抨击 / 辩护的第一着
          4. The police are pursuing a new line of enquiry/inquiry (= way of finding out information) .
        11. 活动 activity

        12. 行业;活动的范围
          a type or area of business, activity or interest
          1. My line of work pays pretty well.
          2. You can't do much in the art line without training.
        13. 产品 product

        14. 种类;类型
          a type of product
          1. We are starting a new line in casual clothes.
          2. Some lines sell better than others.
        15. 运输 transport

        16. 运输公司;航运公司
          a company that provides transport for people or goods
          1. a shipping/bus line
            航运 / 公共汽车公司
        17. 士兵 soldiers

        18. 防线;前线;战线
          a row or series of military defences where the soldiers are fighting during a war
          1. The regiment was sent to fight in the front line (= the position nearest the enemy) .
          2. They were trapped behind enemy lines (= in the area controlled by the enemy) .
        19. 毒品 drugs

        20. (准备吸用的)散放成一条细线的***
          an amount of cocaine that is spread out in a thin line, ready to take


            做衬里 cover inside

          1. (用…)做衬里
            to cover the inside of sth with a layer of another material to keep it clean, make it stronger, etc.
            1. Line the pan with greaseproof paper.
          2. (在某物的内部)形成一层
            to form a layer on the inside of sth
            1. the membranes that line the nose
          3. 形成行 form rows

          4. 沿…形成行(或列、排)
            to form lines or rows along sth
            1. Crowds of people lined the streets to watch the race.
            2. The walls were lined with books.


          1. N-COUNT 线(条)
            A line is a long thin mark which is drawn or painted on a surface.
            1. Draw a line down that page's center.
            2. ...a dotted line...
            3. The ball had clearly crossed the line.
          2. N-COUNT (尤指脸部的)皱纹,纹路
            The lines on some-one's skin, especially on their face, are long thin marks that appear there as they grow older.
            1. He has a large, generous face with deep lines.
            2. ...fine lines and wrinkles.
          3. N-COUNT (排成的)行,列
            A line of people or things is a number of them arranged one behind the other or side by side.
            1. The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.
          4. N-COUNT (人、车辆等在等候时排成的)队,队伍
            A line of people or vehicles is a number of them that are waiting one behind another, for example in order to buy something or to go in a particular direction.
            1. Children clutching empty bowls form a line...
          5. N-COUNT 字行
            A line of a piece of writing is one of the rows of words, numbers, or other symbols in it.
            1. The next line should read: Five days, 23.5 hours...
            2. Tina wouldn't have read more than three lines.
          6. (老师对学生的)罚抄
            In school, if a child is given lines, he or she is punished by being made to write out a sentence many times or to write out a passage from a book.
            1. N-COUNT 诗行;歌词;台词;对白
              A line of a poem, song, or play is a group of words that are spoken or sung together. If an actor learns his or her lines for a play or film, they learn what they have to say.
              1. ...a line from Shakespeare's Othello: 'one that loved not wisely but too well'...
              2. Every time I sing that line, I have to compete with that bloody trombone!...
              3. Learning lines is very easy. Acting is very difficult.
            2. N-COUNT (旨在取得某种效果的)话语
              A particular type of line in a conversation is a remark that is intended to have a particular effect.
              1. 'In time perhaps you'll marry again'. 'That's a great line, coming from you!'.
              2. lines like 'You've got beautiful eyes'.
            3. N-VAR 线;绳;索
              You can refer to a long piece of wire, string, or cable as a line when it is used for a particular purpose.
              1. She put her washing on the line.
              2. ...a piece of fishing-line...
              3. The winds downed power lines.
            4. N-COUNT 电话线
              A line is a connection which makes it possible for two people to speak to each other on the telephone.
              1. The telephone lines went dead...
              2. It's not a very good line. Shall we call you back Susan?...
              3. She's on the line from her home in Boston.
            5. N-COUNT 热线(电话)
              You can use line to refer to a telephone number which you can ring in order to get information or advice.
              1. ...the 24-hours information line.
              2. ...details from Lesbian Line.
            6. N-COUNT (尤指危险或秘密的)路线,线路
              A line is a route, especially a dangerous or secret one, along which people move or send messages or supplies.
              1. The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack...
              2. Negotiators say they're keeping communication lines open.
              3. ...the guerrillas' main supply lines.
            7. N-COUNT (尤指径直向前行进的)路线
              The line in which something or someone moves is the particular route that they take, especially when they keep moving straight ahead.
              1. Walk in a straight line...
              2. The wings were at right angles to the line of flight.
            8. N-COUNT (铁道或公交)线路
              A line is a particular route, involving the same stations, roads, or stops along which a train or bus service regularly operates.
              1. They've got to ride all the way to the end of the line...
              2. Fires broke out at three railway stations, halting service on two commuter lines for several hours...
              3. I would be able to stay on the Piccadilly Line and get off the tube at South Kensington.
            9. N-COUNT 铁轨;轨道
              A railway line consists of the pieces of metal and wood which form the track that the trains travel along.
              1. Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.
            10. N-COUNT 运输公司;航运公司
              A shipping, air, or bus line is a company which provides services for transporting people or goods by sea, air, or bus.
              1. The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.
            11. N-COUNT 轮廓(线)
              You can use line to refer to the edge, outline, or shape of an object or a person's body.
              1. The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.
              2. ...a sculptured evening dress that follows the lines of the body.
            12. N-COUNT 界线;边界
              A state or county line is a boundary between two states or counties.
              1. ...the California state line.
            13. N-COUNT 防线;前线
              You can use lines to refer to the set of physical defences or the soldiers that have been established along the boundary of an area occupied by an army.
              1. Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away.
              2. ...the stupendous fortification they called the Maginot Line.
            14. N-COUNT 立场;方针
              The particular line that a person has towards a problem is the attitude that they have towards it. For example, if someone takes a hard line on something, they have a firm strict policy which they refuse to change.
              1. Forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line...
              2. Most members of Parliament took a hard line on this issue.
            15. N-COUNT (思想或行动的)步骤,方式,方法
              You can use line to refer to the way in which someone's thoughts or activities develop, particularly if it is logical.
              1. Our discussion in the previous chapter continues this line of thinking...
              2. What are some of the practical benefits likely to be of this line of research?
            16. N-PLURAL 概况;大致情形
              If you say that something happens along particular lines, or on particular lines, you are giving a general summary or approximate account of what happens, which may not be correct in every detail.
              1. There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of 'Hey, this coffee is fantastic!'...
              2. He'd said something along those lines already...
              3. Our forecast for 1990 was on the right lines...
              4. The main lines of the plan were a reduction in expenditure and the rationalization of government controls.
            17. N-PLURAL (组织的)方式,原则
              If something is organized on particular lines, or along particular lines, it is organized according to that method or principle.
              1. autonomous republics based on ethnic lines.
              2. ...reorganising old factories to work along Japanese lines.
            18. N-COUNT 行业;行当
              Your line of business or work is the kind of work that you do.
              1. So what was your father's line of business?...
              2. In my line of work I often get home too late for dinner.
            19. N-SING 专长;特长;兴趣范围
              If someone says that something is your line, or that it is in your line, they mean that it is the sort of thing that you often do because you enjoy doing it.
              1. Wild guesses aren't much in my line...
              2. Perhaps doing voluntary work is more your line?
            20. N-COUNT (产品的)种,类
              A line is a particular type of product that a company makes or sells.
              1. His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £1.99.
            21. N-SING 方面;领域
              You can use line to refer to something connected with a particular activity. For example, something in the sports line is connected with sports.
              1. Most kids can do something in the art line.
            22. N-COUNT 流水线;生产线
              In a factory, a line is an arrangement of workers or machines where a product passes from one worker to another until it is finished.
              1. ...a production line capable of producing three different products.
            23. N-COUNT 家系;家族;血统
              You can use line to refer to all the generations of a family, especially when you are considering the social status or the physical characteristics that the various members inherit.
              1. ...the old Welsh royal line descended from Arthur and Uther Pendragon...
              2. This title will only pass down through the male line.
            24. N-COUNT (按身份高低确定的)排序
              You can use line when you are referring to a number of people who are ranked according to status.
              1. Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line of succession to the throne...
              2. The line of command went from head office in Chicago to a regional boss and then down to a country boss and finally to a local-office managing-partner.
              3. ...the man who stands next in line for the presidency.
            25. N-COUNT (按时间顺序排的)一系列,一连串
              A particular line of people or things is a series of them that has existed over a period of time, when they have all been similar in some way, or done similar things.
              1. We were part of a long line of artists...
              2. It's the latest in a long line of tragedies.
            26. VERB 沿…排列成行;遍布…的边沿
              If people or things line a road, room, or other place, they are present in large numbers along its edges or sides.
              1. Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.
              2. ...a square lined with pubs and clubs.
            27. VERB 给…安衬里;使有内衬
              If you line a wall, container, or other object, you put a layer of something such as leaves or paper on the inside surface of it in order to make it stronger, warmer, or cleaner.
              1. Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets...
              2. Female bears tend to line their dens with leaves or grass.
            28. VERB 在(容器或器官)的内壁形成一层
              If something lines a container or area, especially an area inside a person, animal, or plant, it forms a layer on the inside surface.
              1. ...the muscles that line the intestines.
            29. See also: lined lining bottom line branch line dividing line front line party line picket line yellow line
            30. PHRASE 其间某时;在某一时刻;在某一环节
              If something happens somewhere along the line or down the line, it happens during the course of a situation or activity, often at a point that cannot be exactly identified.
              1. Somewhere along the line he picked up an engineering degree...
              2. It would depend how far down the line the relationship was.
            31. PHRASE 全线地;全部地;处处
              If you say that something happens all down the line, or right down the line, you mean that it happens in every case.
              1. Excellent acting all down the line captures the sound and feeling of that semi-feudal age...
              2. Democrats and Republicans differed right down the line on what the proper responses were.
            32. PHRASE 划定底线;不能容忍;反对
              If you draw the line at a particular activity, you refuse to do it, because you disapprove of it or because it is more extreme than what you normally do.
              1. Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.
            33. PHRASE 划界线;区别
              If you draw a line between two things, you make a distinction between them.
              1. It is, however, not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories.
            34. PHRASE 写信给(某人)
              If you drop someone a line, you write to them.
              1. My phone doesn't work, so drop me a line.
            35. PHRASE 在执行公务中;在履行职责时
              If you do something or if it happens to you in the line of duty, you do it or it happens as part of your regular work or as a result of it.
              1. More than 3,000 police officers were wounded in the line of duty last year.
            36. PHRASE 第一项举措;最重要的方法
              If you refer to a method as the first line of, for example, defence or treatment, you mean that it is the first or most important method to be used in dealing with a problem.
              1. Passport checks will remain the first line of defence against terrorists...
              2. The first line of treatment is to help the affected skin by moisturising it regularly.
            37. PHRASE 将轮到…的;很有可能获得…的;…很有可能(发生)的
              If you are in line for something, it is likely to happen to you or you are likely to obtain it. If something is in line to happen, it is likely to happen.
              1. He must be in line for a place in the Guinness Book of Records...
              2. Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard.
            38. PHRASE (与…)成一直线
              If one object is in line with others, or moves into line with others, they are arranged in a line. You can also say that a number of objects are in line or move into line.
              1. The device itself was right under the vehicle, almost in line with the gear lever...
              2. Venus, the Sun and Earth all moved into line.
            39. PHRASE (与…)一致;(与…)相符
              If one thing is in line with another, or is brought into line with it, the first thing is, or becomes, similar to the second, especially in a way that has been planned or expected.
              1. The structure of our schools is now broadly in line with the major countries of the world...
              2. This brings the law into line with most medical opinion.
              3. ...the economic discipline required to bring currencies into line.
            40. PHRASE 排队
              When people stand in line or wait in line, they stand one behind the other in a line, waiting their turn for something.
              1. I had been standing in line for three hours.
            41. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 queue

            42. PHRASE 使(某人)就范;使(某人)听从吩咐
              If you keep someone in line or bring them into line, you make them obey you, or you make them behave in the way you want them to.
              1. All this was just designed to frighten me and keep me in line.
              2. ...if the Prime Minister fails to bring rebellious Tories into line.
            43. PHRASE 在运行中/不在运行;在工作中/不在工作
              If a machine or piece of equipment comes on line, it starts operating. If it is off line, it is not operating.
              1. The Energy Secretary hopes to bring on line a safer new tritium production reactor...
              2. The new machine will go on line in June 2006...
              3. Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money.
            44. PHRASE 在计算机上;在网上;在线
              If you do something on line, you do it using a computer or a computer network.
              1. They can order their requirements on line.
              2. ...on-line transaction processing.
            45. PHRASE 岌岌可危;冒极大的险
              If something such as your job, career, or reputation is on the line, you may lose or harm it as a result of what you are doing or of the situation you are in.
              1. He wouldn't put his career on the line to help a friend.
            46. PHRASE 不在队列中;不在一条直线上
              In a row or group of objects, if one of them is out of line, it is not in its correct position.
              1. You can see that her nose has been drawn slightly out of line.
            47. PHRASE 不一致;不符合
              If one thing is out of line with another, the first thing is different from the second in a way that was not agreed, planned, or expected.
              1. ...if one set of figures is sharply out of line with a trend.
            48. PHRASE 不服从;出格;举止不当
              If someone steps out of line, they disobey someone or behave in an unacceptable way.
              1. Any one of my players who steps out of line will be in trouble with me as well...
              2. You're way out of line, lady.
            49. PHRASE 体会隐含之意;领会言外之意
              If you read between the lines, you understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not said openly.
              1. Reading between the lines, it seems neither Cole nor Ledley King will be going to Japan.
            50. the battle lines are drawn → see: battle


            1. Draw a line down that page's center.
            2. He has a large, generous face with deep lines.
            3. The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.
            4. Children clutching empty bowls form a line
            5. Every time I sing that line, I have to compete with that bloody trombone!
            6. 'In time perhaps you'll marry again'. 'That's a great line, coming from you!'.
            7. She put her washing on the line.
            8. The telephone lines went dead
            9. The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack
            10. Walk in a straight line
            11. They've got to ride all the way to the end of the line
            12. Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.
            13. The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.
            14. The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.
            15. Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away.
            16. Forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line
            17. Our discussion in the previous chapter continues this line of thinking
            18. There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of 'Hey, this coffee is fantastic!'
            19. So what was your father's line of business?
            20. Wild guesses aren't much in my line
            21. His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £ 1.99.
            22. Most kids can do something in the art line.
            23. This title will only pass down through the male line.
            24. Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line of succession to the throne
            25. We were part of a long line of artists
            26. Thousands of local people lined the streets and clapped as the procession went by.
            27. Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets
            28. Somewhere along the line he picked up an engineering degree
            29. Excellent acting all down the line captures the sound and feeling of that semi-feudal age


            line up

            1. (使)(某一批人)排成行;(使)列队  2. 使(某一批物)排列成行  3. (使)对齐  4. 组织;邀集  


            line up

            1. 排成一行;站队;排队(等候)
              to stand in a line or row; to form a queue/line

              line sb/sth↔up

              1. 使站成一队;使排列成一行
                to arrange people or things in a straight line or row
                1. The ball went over the line .
                2. Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road) .
                3. Your feet must be behind the line when you serve (= in tennis ) .
                4. They were all waiting on the starting line .
              2. 组织,安排(活动);邀集(人做某事)
                to arrange for an event or activity to happen, or arrange for sb to be available to do sth
                1. He has fine lines around his eyes.

              line sth↔up (with sth)

              1. 使…(与相关的另一物)排齐;使…对齐
                to move one thing into a correct position in relation to another thing
                1. He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines .
                2. a district/county line
                  行政区 / 郡界
                3. lines of longitude and latitude



                along/down the line

              • 在某一环节;在某一时刻
                at some point during an activity or a process
                1. Somewhere along the line a large amount of money went missing.
                2. We'll make a decision on that further down the line.
              • along/on (the)… lines

              • 按…方式
                in the way that is mentioned
                1. The new system will operate along the same lines as the old one.
                2. They voted along class lines.
              • 类似于(提及的方式或东西)
                similar to the way or thing that is mentioned
                1. Those aren't his exact words, but he said something along those lines.
              • be, come, etc. on line

              • 正运转;在运行
                to be working or functioning
                1. The new working methods will come on line in June.
              • 联机;在线
                using or connected to a computer or the Internet; communicating with other people by computer
                1. All the new homes are on line.
              • bring sb/sth, come, get, fall, etc. into line (with sb/sth)

              • 使一致;使规范;使符合;(和…)一致
                to behave or make sb/sth behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave
                1. Britain must be brought into line with the rest of Europe on taxes.
              • in (a) line (with sth)

              • (与…)成一排,成一直线
                in a position that forms a straight line with sth
                1. An eclipse happens when the earth and moon are in line with the sun.
              • in line for sth

              • 有可能获得某物
                likely to get sth
                1. She is in line for promotion.
              • in the line of duty

              • 在执行任务时;在履行职责时
                while doing a job
                1. A policeman was injured in the line of duty yesterday.
              • in line with sth

              • 与…相似(或紧密相连)
                similar to sth or so that one thing is closely connected with another
                1. Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation.
              • lay it on the line

              • 坦率地说;实话实说
                to tell sb clearly what you think, especially when they will not like what you say
                1. The manager laid it on the line─some people would have to lose their jobs.
              • (choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least resistance

              • (采取)最省事的方法
                (to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing sth
                1. (put sth) on the line

                2. 冒风险
                  at risk
                  1. If we don't make a profit, my job is on the line.
                3. out of line (with sb/sth)

                4. 不成直线
                  not forming a straight line
                  1. 与…不同(或不一致);不符合
                    different from sth
                    1. 与…不同(或不一致);不符合
                      different from sth
                      1. walk/tread a fine/thin line

                      2. 处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走钢丝
                        to be in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake
                        1. He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.
                      3. the battle lines are drawn

                      4. 战线已经划清(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势)
                        used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in an argument or contest that is going to begin
                        1. draw a line under sth

                        2. 到…为止;就…打住
                          to say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more
                          1. (reach) the end of the line/road

                          2. (达到)尽头,极限;穷途末路
                            (to reach) the point at which sth can no longer continue in the same way
                            1. A defeat in the second round marked the end of the line for last year's champion.
                          3. be in the firing line

                            be in the firing line

                            in the front line (of sth)

                          4. 在最重要的岗位上;在第一线
                            doing work that will have an important effect on sth
                            1. a life spent in the front line of research
                          5. hard luck/lines

                          6. (表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了
                            used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them
                            1. ‘Failed again, I'm afraid.’ ‘Oh, hard luck.’
                          7. hook, line and sinker

                          8. 完全地;毫无保留
                            1. What I said was not true, but he fell for it (= believed it) hook, line and sinker.
                          9. jump the queue

                          10. 插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队
                            to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn
                            1. overstep the mark/line

                            2. (行为)越轨
                              to behave in a way that people think is not acceptable
                              1. pitch a story/line/yarn (to sb)

                              2. (对某人)编谎话
                                to tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true
                                1. read between the lines

                                2. 领悟隐含的意义;看出言外之意
                                  to look for or discover a meaning in sth that is not openly stated
                                  1. Reading between the lines, I think Clare needs money.
                                3. sign on the dotted line

                                4. 在签字处签上姓名(表示同意);签名同意
                                  to sign a document to show that you have agreed to buy sth or do sth
                                  1. Just sign on the dotted line and the car is yours.
                                5. step out of line

                                  be/get out of line

                                6. 表现不好;不守规矩;越轨;出格
                                  to behave badly or break the rules
                                  1. toe the line

                                  2. 顺从当局(或集体);遵循…路线
                                    to say or do what sb in authority tells you to say or do, even if you do not share the same opinions, etc.
                                    1. to toe the party line


                                    line your (own)/sb's pockets

                                  • (尤指通过占便宜或欺诈而)中饱私囊,(使)发财
                                    to get richer or make sb richer, especially by taking unfair advantage of a situation or by being dishonest



                                    1. the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
                                      1. he's not in my line of business

                                      Synonym:    occupationbusinessjobline of work

                                    2. acting in conformity
                                      1. in line with
                                      2. he got out of line
                                      3. toe the line

                                    3. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power

                                        Synonym:    cabletransmission line

                                      1. something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible
                                        1. a washing line

                                      2. the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed

                                          Synonym:    railway linerail line

                                        1. a commercial organization serving as a common carrier

                                          1. a particular kind of product or merchandise
                                            1. a nice line of shoes

                                            Synonym:    product lineline of productsline of merchandisebusiness lineline of business

                                          2. a pipe used to transport liquids or gases
                                            1. a pipeline runs from the wells to the seaport

                                            Synonym:    pipeline

                                          3. mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it

                                              Synonym:    production lineassembly line

                                            1. a telephone connection

                                                Synonym:    telephone linephone linetelephone circuitsubscriber line

                                              1. a conceptual separation or distinction
                                                1. there is a narrow line between sanity and insanity

                                                Synonym:    dividing linedemarcationcontrast

                                              2. a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falsehood
                                                1. I can't follow your line of reasoning

                                                Synonym:    argumentationlogical argumentargumentline of reasoning

                                              3. (often plural) a means of communication or access
                                                1. it must go through official channels
                                                2. lines of communication were set up between the two firms

                                                Synonym:    channelcommunication channel

                                              4. a short personal letter
                                                1. drop me a line when you get there

                                                Synonym:    noteshort letterbillet

                                              5. a mark that is long relative to its width
                                                1. He drew a line on the chart

                                              6. text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen
                                                1. the letter consisted of three short lines
                                                2. there are six lines in every stanza

                                              7. persuasive but insincere talk that is usually intended to deceive or impress
                                                1. `let me show you my etchings' is a rather worn line
                                                2. he has a smooth line but I didn't fall for it
                                                3. that salesman must have practiced his fast line of talk

                                              8. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence
                                                1. she was humming an air from Beethoven

                                                Synonym:    tunemelodyairstrainmelodic linemelodic phrase

                                              9. the descendants of one individual
                                                1. his entire lineage has been warriors

                                                Synonym:    lineageline of descentdescentbloodlineblood linebloodpedigreeancestryoriginparentagestemmastock

                                              10. a connected series of events or actions or developments
                                                1. the government took a firm course
                                                2. historians can only point out those lines for which evidence is available

                                                Synonym:    course

                                              11. a formation of people or things one behind another
                                                1. the line stretched clear around the corner
                                                2. you must wait in a long line at the checkout counter

                                              12. a formation of people or things one beside another
                                                1. the line of soldiers advanced with their bayonets fixed
                                                2. they were arrayed in line of battle
                                                3. the cast stood in line for the curtain call

                                              13. a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent

                                                1. in games or sports

                                                  1. a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
                                                    1. they attacked the enemy's line

                                                  2. a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum

                                                    1. the maximum credit that a customer is allowed

                                                        Synonym:    credit lineline of creditbank linepersonal credit linepersonal line of credit

                                                      1. space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising

                                                          Synonym:    agate line

                                                        1. a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness

                                                          1. a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface
                                                            1. his face has many lines
                                                            2. ironing gets rid of most wrinkles

                                                            Synonym:    wrinklefurrowcreasecrinkleseam


                                                          1. reinforce with fabric
                                                            1. lined books are more enduring

                                                          2. fill plentifully
                                                            1. line one's pockets

                                                          3. cover the interior of
                                                            1. line the gloves
                                                            2. line a chimney

                                                          4. mark with lines
                                                            1. sorrow had lined his face

                                                          5. make a mark or lines on a surface
                                                            1. draw a line
                                                            2. trace the outline of a figure in the sand

                                                            Synonym:    tracedrawdescribedelineate

                                                          6. be in line with
                                                            1. trees line the riverbank

                                                            Synonym:    run along