There's a long history of animosity between the two nations 两国之间宿怨已久。
Sir Geoffrey had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister. 杰弗里爵士对首相并无私人恩怨。
There are fears that the series could rekindle animosity between the two countries 有人担忧这一系列事件会再次引发两国之间的敌对。
Rowling: Hence, his* hence his animosity to Harry? 罗琳:结果,结果引起了他对哈利的敌意?
These employees lead by example in how to advance without creating animosity or resentment. 如何在进步的同时不招来敌意或怨恨,优秀员工能做到以身作则。
Eg. he felt no animosity towards his critics. 他对批评他的人并不怀恨在心。
Eg. I could sense the animosity between them. 我能觉察出他们彼此间的敌意。
The problem is the same, like you said, animosity which is evident cuz people argue over everything. 问题是一样的,就像你说的,仇恨是明显的,因为人民高于一切。
Later, when their hatred and animosity toward the Prophet and the Muslims were made manifest he ordered the Muslims not to follow them in their way of fasting. 后来,当他们对穆圣和穆斯林的仇恨与憎恶变得明显时,他命令穆斯林不要以他们的方式斋戒。
But how would that work, given the historic tension and animosity between the Eastern and Western Libyan tribes? 但是,由于东部和西部利比亚部落之间历史性的紧张情绪和敌意,这种行动如何实现?
Q: any animosity last weekend when the two of you came together, you and your team mate? 问:当你和你的队友上周撞在了一起时,有仇视?
Then all the negativity feeds on each other and the animosity grows. 然后所有消极性会侵蚀彼此,让敌意滋长。
There will always be disharmony as long as there are individuals who harbour animosity, hate or jealousy. 只要有人常怀怨恨、妒忌之心,便永远会有不和谐发生。
Animosity is always frank, but friendship is not always that honest. 仇恨通常是坦率的,而友谊却不那么诚实。
A feeling of anger and animosity. 一种气愤和憎恶的情绪。
China and the Chinese people have always been misinterpreted by the west, sometimes because of ignorance and prejudice, but often out of ill feeling and animosity. 中国和中国人民一直被西方歪曲,有时是由于无知和偏见,但经常也是出于恶意和敌视。
His animosity towards me is growing, but he is not my concern. 他的仇恨向我正在增加,但是他不是我的关心。
However, the latest animosity could have a more fundamental impact on Japanese attitudes towards investing in China. 不过,最新的敌意可能在对华投资问题上对日方产生更为根本的影响。
If there is any personal animosity between the two men, it is not apparent. 如果这两位男人之间存在什么个人仇恨,我们从表面上似乎看不出来。
He hit me, I'll retaliate, and that no personal animosity, I just want him to know I The existence. 他打了我一下,我就去报复,那和私人恩怨没有关系,我只是想让他知道我的存在。
She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy. He felt no animosity towards his critics. 她对自己的宿仇仍然怀恨在心。他对批评他的人并不怀恨在心。
Tried to overcome his animosity toward governmental control. 试图克服他对政府控制的憎恶积怨。
He looked at the bully with animosity. 他满怀仇恨地看着那个暴徒。
It's far better to swallow any disappointment you may feel and let the work relationship proceed without animosity. 明智的做法是吞下你可能有的失望之情,让工作关系不带敌意地继续下去。
She could not understand her brother's animosity against Bill. 她不能理解哥哥为什么对比尔深恶痛绝。
The main animosity will be between America and China. 最主要的怨愤方是美国和中国。
I will never be due to personal feelings, prejudices, animosity or friendship affect my law enforcement. 我将永远不会因个人的感受,偏见,憎恶或友谊而影响我的执法。
Of course we're competitive but there's no personal animosity between us. 我们固然是相互竞争的,但我们之间不存在个人的敌对。
Such animosity had lasting results. 这样的敌意产生了长期后果。
The people of this country are full of animosity to the invaders. 这个国家的人民对侵略者充满了仇恨。