Apocalyptic but coherent, resolvable narratives are handbooks for mental survival. 这种末日启示题材的故事,叙事连贯,且困难都最终得以解决,从而成了他们的精神生存手册。
The institute's experts say the Mayas saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle. 研究所的专家们说,玛雅人认为时间是一个系列的周期,有规律地开始和结束,但某个周期的结束并不意味着任何预警。
AMC Networks Inc.'s apocalyptic zombie drama 'The Walking Dead' has drawn millions of television viewers. AMC广播网的僵尸剧《行尸走肉》(TheWalkingDead)吸引了数百万的电视观众。
Revelation is the only canonical representative of a large genre of early Christian apocalyptic literature. 早期基督教曾出现许多启示著作,“启示录”是这类作品唯一的正典代表。
Well, to some extent your guess is as good as mine, except that I know a bit more about ancient Jewish apocalyptic, and so I have a few resources to draw on. 你们猜的和我猜的差不多了,但我知道多一点古犹太天启论的内容,所以我有一些可以参考的知识。
The apocalyptic material there serves a different purpose than it did in Revelation and some other Christian and Jewish text. 这里的天启内容和《启示录》里的,及其他基督教,和犹太教经文的意图不一样。
In other words, again Paul's quoting Jewish scripture to enforce his belief that at the end of time Gentiles would become people of God and this was common in Jewish apocalyptic idea. 换言之,保罗再一次引用犹太经文加强他的信仰,到末日时,外邦人将成为上帝的子民,这在犹太天启观念中很普遍。
All of the earliest followers of Jesus seemed to have been apocalyptic minded Jews, and that's the beginning of early Christianity. 所有耶稣最早的信徒,似乎都是具有启示思维犹太人,这就是早期基督教的开始。
The apocalyptic narrative may have helped to start the motor of capitalism. 末日天启论的叙述或许帮助了资本主义的马达开动。
Jesus also preached the imminent end of the current era of history, or even the literal end of the world and in this sense he was an apocalyptic preacher. 耶稣也鼓吹当前这个历史时期即将来临的终结,或者即使是这个世界的终结是字面的意思,但在这种情况下,他是一个启示性的先知。
It sounds like the plot of an apocalyptic action movie, but scientists with the U. 听起来像是末日启示类电影的一个画面?
Apocalyptic expectations, envisaging the end of the world as we know it. 启示录的期待,展现了我们现在所了解的世界末日。
How does this make sense for Ronald Reagan, the most powerful man in the world, to have this apocalyptic world view? 为什么,罗纳德·里根,这个世界上权力最大的人,会有这种启示论世界观?
Any suffering that you have, he says, chalk it up to the suffering that comes with the apocalyptic fire this is testing you, again just endure it. 他说,你遭受的任何苦难,记到随天启之火而来的苦难的账上,这是在考验你,再一次忍受之。
It is an exciting, well-paced action-thriller with apocalyptic, and adventure story elements. 它扣人心弦,节奏紧凑,是一部预示了世界末日恐怖景象和带有冒险故事成分的动作片。
Apocalyptic is one of those political kinds of forces in early Christianity, although certainly not the only one. 天启是早期基督教那些政治类型,的力量之一,尽管显然不是唯一的。
We're no longer with this letter in a kind of Christianity that has apocalyptic fervor to it. 在这封信里,我们看不到那种,基督教对天启论的狂热。
Behind these attitudes sits the assumption that apocalyptic thought belongs-or had better belong-to the extremities of human experience. 支持这些看法的是一个假定:末日天启的想法属于,或者最好是属于人类宗教经验的极端范畴。
The break up of the eurozone would be a crisis of apocalyptic proportions, going beyond our financial system. 欧元区解体将是一场世界末日性质的危机,而不只是一个影响我们金融体系的问题。
Caught between their anti-nuclear sentiments and their increasingly apocalyptic fears of global warming, environmentalists have mostly made the wrong choice. 在反核情绪和对全球变暖日益加剧的末世恐惧之间进退两难的环保主义者,大多作出了错误的选择。
Who else was an apocalyptic prophet? Paul. 还有谁是启示主义先知?保罗。
Most of the prophetical Apocrypha are apocalyptic in form. 大多数是世界末日的预言伪经的形式。
Apocalyptic language fuels the technology industry as much as venture capital does. 末日之语跟风险投资都刺激了手机技术产业发展。
Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions. 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。
The air is chill and stagnant, the language apocalyptic. 空气寒冷而污浊,语言则是《启示录》式的。
So the last thing is: what does the apocalyptic do here? 所以最后一点是:天启论在这里有什么作用?
The group regularly gives apocalyptic warnings about our destruction of the environment. 针对人类对环境的破坏,这个团体经常提出启示录式的警告。
You're not waking up from some apocalyptic vision with your heart pounding. 你并不是心跳着从一个世界末日的梦境中醒来。
I get so damned apocalyptic when I drink. 当我喝醉的时候,得到些该死启示。
There's kind of an apocalyptic world view that I'll talk about also. 另外,有一种启示的世界观,我待会将介绍。