Mara and Dann: An Adventure is Doris Lessing's typical apocalyptical ecological novel. 《玛拉与丹恩历险记》是多丽丝·莱辛最典型的生态警示录。
They are an important link in the history of reception of Yuan Hao-wen that they are apocalyptical to the current Yuan Hao-wen studies. 它是元好问接受史上的重要链条,对现今元好问研究亦有相当的启发性意义,不容忽略。
Apocalyptical prophecies have been repeatedly occurred in this city with various forms. 末日论的预言以各种形式在这座城市里重复发生。
Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart. 仿佛就在那么一瞬间,草原蒙古黎明时代的民族源流和神秘箴言,在我的心头划过一道天启之光。