
英 [əˈpelətɪv] 美 [əˈpelətɪv]

adj.  命名的; 称谓的; 称呼的
n.  称呼词(可作呼语的名词)



  1. 命名的;称谓的;称呼的
    relating to the giving of a name


    1. 称呼词(可作呼语的名词)
      a common noun that is used to address a person or thing, for example ‘mother’ or ‘doctor’


      1. The appellative faculty of children; the appellative function of some primitive rites.
      2. The address forms in appellative system are of metasemiotic features just like the primitives in an axiomatic system.
      3. Section and item structure ( SIS) is a basic form of the normative document writing, which has the characteristic of appellative consistency, expressional standardization, easily quoted and looked up and so on.
      4. The incomplete appellative function of soft news also demands that the form of the translation versions be essentially oriented to the usage of target language.
      5. This paper presents a case study of the Chinese subtitling of the famous American sitcom Friends, focusing on the translation of its humour, which predetermines the dominant textual function of the series-appellative function.
      6. It is beneficial for intercultural communication to analyze and understand the appellative differences caused by different cultures and seek their effective translation.
      7. Soft news belongs to the content-focused text with some incomplete appellative function.
      8. Aiming directly at the deficiency of available editors on searching or replacing the appellative symbols and multi-lines, we propose a method to develop a tool used for software maintenance.
      9. Only when the subtitles are informative can the appellative and expressive function be realized.
      10. Ancient rank appellative words is an important component of ancient Chinese appellation systems.
      11. We hope to explore how the translators realize the informative, expressive and appellative functions of the original text by adopting relevant translation strategies.
      12. Generally, a certain appellative function is achieved by direct function mark and indirect function mark.
      13. The expressive and appellative function also demands the form of the translation versions be essentially oriented to the usage of the target language.
      14. In such a model, text functions include the referential function, the expressive function, the appellative function and the phatic function.
      15. Hope this thesis can lead more and more people pay attention to the research field of rank appellative words.
      16. In chapter 3, through the analysis of the target audience and the source text, the intended target text functions are clarified, which are the informative function, and the expressive and appellative function, with the informative function being the main function.
      17. The translation of practical texts emphasizes the content and effect of information conveyed. Almost all practical texts have strong informative and appellative function, and are characterize by practicability and normalization.



      1. identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others

          Synonym:    appellationdenominationdesignation


        1. inclined to or serving for the giving of names
          1. the appellative faculty of children
          2. the appellative function of some primitive rites

          Synonym:    naming(a)

        2. pertaining to or dealing with or used as a common noun