This archived data can even be viewed directly from the archive. 甚至可以直接查看存档中的数据。
In one ( somewhat lengthy) command, you archived, transferred, and extracted your archive. 通过这一个(有些冗长的)命令,您创建了、传输并解压缩了存档。
Log files are archived when the database manager closes the log file. 当数据库管理器关闭日志文件时,会归档日志文件。
Or, you can save the script in a file for easy retrieval of archived Twitter and FriendFeed updates. 或者可以将脚本保存到一个文件中,以便获取归档的Twitter和FriendFeed更新。
There is a downloadable archived files provided with this tutorial. 随本教程提供了一个可下载的归档文件。
The NEWLOGPATH database configuration parameter determines where future active archived logs will be stored. NEWLOGPATH数据库配置参数确定了将在哪里存储未来的活动归档日志。
It reads active and archived DB2 logs to quickly identify, correct, and restore erroneous data. 读取活动和归档的DB2日志,以便快速识别、纠正和还原错误资料。
Archived logs are needed in online recovery. 在联机恢复中,归档日志是必需的。
Were all code review and unit-testing checklists archived for future verification? 为了将来的查证所有的代码复查和单元测试列表都被存档了吗?
The CM system can also create and maintain a full-text index of the archived objects ( optional setting). CM系统还可以创建和维护被归档对象的一个全文本索引(可选设置)。
Once archived, those old entries are removed from the audit log tables. 存档之后,从审计日志表中删除老的条目。
Managing business-enterprises data might require access to both the active and the archived data. 管理商业公司的数据可能需要访问活动数据和归档数据。
This parameter causes archived logs to be kept in the database log path directory. 该参数使归档日志保留在数据库日志路径目录中。
Other log files and dumps must be archived or purged on a regular basis manually. 对于其他的日志文件和转储,则必须定期手动地存档或者清除。
Currently, the IDS CDC API supports capturing transactional data from current logs but not from archived logical logs. 当前,IDSCDCAPI支持从当前日志捕捉事务数据,但是不支持从存档的逻辑日志捕捉数据。
All the archived transaction log files are also stored in the database transaction log directory. 所有归档的事务日志文件也存储在数据库事务日志目录中。
This option allows you to use tape to store archived logs as well. 这个选项也允许使用磁带存储存档日志。
This is an asynchronous process that extracts the text information from the archived objects to update the full-text index. 这是一个异步过程,其作用是从被归档对象中提取文本信息来更新全文本索引。
Lifecycles can be created containing draft, published and archived Web content objects. 可以创建包含草案、已发布和已存档的Web内容对象的生命周期。
How much storage space can be allocated for backup copies and archived logs? 可以给备份副本和存档的日志分配多少存储空间?
Click the Restore icon to restore a backup or archived copy of the application. 单击Restore图标还原应用程序的备份或归档的副本。
The use of the date command to embed a date and timestamp helps to organize your archived files. 使用命令date嵌入日期和时间戳有助于组织归档文件。
Provide the IBM Optim Archive connection information to retrieve archived orders. 提供IBMOptimArchive连接信息以检索归档订单。
Figure 3 shows a configuration from ODM for Optim archived file and collection. 图3显示了能够访问Optim归档文件和文件集的ODM配置。
Vehicle analysis logs that have not been archived can be viewed only with the diagnostic software. 尚未存档的车辆分析日志只能用诊断软件来查看。
Attachments keep related email and documents safely archived along with license and registration records. 保持相关的电子邮件附件和文件归档与安全许可和登记记录。
Users can also play back recorded and archived video on the device. 用户还可以在设备上播放和存档视频记录。
Update the archived files such as database system, products catalog etc. 定期对数据库系统、品目录等存档文件进行更新。
The archived files will be extracted to the same folder as the repaired archive. 存档的档案中提取到同一文件夹将作为修复档案。