May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands. 33你和你的见识也当称赞;因为你今日拦阻我亲手报仇、流人的血。
Well, Mother Hucheloup, we are avenging you. 于什***,我们是在替您报仇呢。
In vaIn they rush frantically round from place to place, tryIng to escape from avengIng boredom by mere clatter and motion. 他们发狂似的一处又一处瞎转,徒然想以喧嚣和走动逃避厌烦对他的报复。
There is always a chance that the person you are suing and "avenging" could punish you back. 总是有机会的人你是起诉和“复仇”的惩罚你回来。
Gentlemen, I know I am in the hands of an avenging God! If he revenge, He has to kill his uncle by himself or be killed by his uncle. 我是落到一个复仇之神的手里了!假如他选择复仇,他不得不亲手轼叔或命丧叔手。
The members of the gens owed each other help, protection, and especially assistance in avenging injury by strangers. 同氏族人必须互相援助、保护,特别是在受到外族人伤害时,要帮助报仇。
Avenging Alec Trevelyan will not bring him back. 为艾力克报仇也救不活他。
His disfigured face was like some avenging nemesis of gargoyle design. 他那张破了相的脸,活象面目狰狞的复仇之神。
Avenging Wrath also increases all healing done by30%. 复仇之怒同时提高30%治疗量。
Avenging Wrath and Blessing of Protection can no longer be dispelled. 复仇之怒和保护祝福不再能被驱散。
The avenging heroes are now being dreamt up and awaited. 人们幻想和期待著复仇的英雄。
The best way of avenging thyself is not to become like the wrong doer. 为自己报仇雪恨的最好办法是不变成干坏事的人。
Yeltsin's critics: that the Russian President, emerging victorious from the Moscow barricades, would turn from avenging reformer to usurping czar, a role with many parallels in Russian history. 他们的恐惧是:莫斯科兵变赢得胜利的俄国总统会从嫉恶如仇的改革者变成篡位的沙皇。这种角色在俄国历史中不乏先例。
God, I was born with desire of avenging and endless sorrow and pain. 上帝啊,我生来带着邪恶的报复欲望,带着无尽委屈和伤悲。
The English people will not delay in avenging me. 英国人是不会推迟对我的复仇的。
Avenging Wrath no longer causes Forbearance, damage increase reduced to20%, now increases healing done by20%. 复仇之怒(小翅膀)不再触发自律,提高的的伤害降低到20%,但现在额外增加了20%的治疗加成。
He was protecting order, he was causing the law to yield up its thunders, he was avenging society, he was lending a helping hand to the absolute, he was standing erect in the midst of a glory. 他维护社会秩序,他使法律发出雷霆,他为社会除暴安良,他捍卫绝对真理,他屹立在神光的中央;
But for all his occasional digs at the fat cats and their jets, this president is not and will probably never be the avenging egalitarian the left of his party dreams of. 但是至于他对大亨们和他们飞机的偶然的嘲讽,作为总统的他不会,也许将永远不会成为他的党派所梦想的复仇平等主义者。
I really enjoyed working with him on Avenging fist, he's such an adorable character. 我真的很享受跟他一起拍摄“拳神”,他是个讨人喜欢的演员。
The count was erect and triumphant, like the avenging angel! 只有伯爵笔挺地站着,面露胜利的神色,象是复仇的天使。