She had been babysitting him and his four-year-old sister. 她一直都在照看他和他4岁的妹妹。
If you ever need help with the babysitting, I'd be glad to oblige 如果你什么时候需要找人照看孩子,我很乐意帮忙。
I'm babysitting my younger sister. 我准备照顾我的妹妹。
Why can't you sit down and babysitting your brothers and sisters? 你为什么不能去照看下你的弟弟和妹妹们?
Stop babysitting your employees and trust that they will be able to accomplish a project in their own way. 交给他就要信任他,不要再插手,他会用自己的方式完成项目的。
He had local businesses sponsor the women. They donated money needed to cover babysitting for the weekend and transportation. 他也找来地方企业赞助这些单亲妈妈,捐赠了一笔钱作为周末的保姆费和交通费。
But something has been nagging at me ever since I read the original story of the Capitol Hill babysitting co-op, published in 1977 by Joan and Richard Sweeney. 但自从我读了1977年发表、由琼斯温尼(JoanSweeney)和理查德斯温尼(RichardSweeney)合著的关于国会山保姆合作社的原始故事后,有个问题一直困扰着我。
I have always felt, ever since I was sixteen years old and first went to Russia with my saved-up babysitting money, that to travel is worth any cost or sacrifice. 打从十六岁我用打工存下来的保姆工资第一次去俄罗斯开始,我总觉得旅行值得付出任何代价或牺牲。
They hear it in the innocent question from a neighbor& Are you babysitting today? 某个邻居无意中会问:今天你当保姆吗?
I also realized just how important this babysitting thing is to me. 同时我也明白保姆工作对我有多重要。
I'm babysitting at sally's tomorrow night. 我明天晚上在萨莉家看孩子。
But I say your ass is babysitting. 但我要说的是你得看孩子。
I only wanted to start babysitting because I love kids. 我只是想做保姆因为我喜欢孩子。
What's she doing for vacation?-she's babysitting her sister. 假期她打算干什么?她打算照看她妹妹。
Plus I'm babysitting. tiffy's counting on me. 我现在是保姆。蒂菲需要我。
After three months of babysitting, I think I'm going to blow a fuse. 当了三个月的临时保姆后,我觉得自己就要崩溃了。
The babysitting co-op was ruined because it was run, incompetently, by a bunch of Capitol Hill lawyers. 这家保姆合作社之所以经营不下去,是因为管理者是一帮国会山的律师,他们管理无方。
I'm babysitting for Jane on Tuesday evening while she goes to her yoga class. 星期二晚上简去上瑜加课时我替她看孩子。
Many believe that parents use TV for babysitting, and as a substitute for social interactions. 许多人认为,有些家长用电视来哄孩子,用它来替代社会交往。
Seth earns extra pocket money by babysitting. 塞思靠看孩子赚零花钱。
Shane's not gonna be babysitting you anymore. 谢恩再也不会来保护你们了。
Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie at the playground. 丹尼在照顾操场上的黛比表妹。
He's babysitting the neighbour's children. 他在帮邻居临时照看小孩。
She's babysitting her little cousin. 她打算照顾她的小堂妹。
Fourth, get a job, like working in a restaurant and babysitting. 第四,找一份工作。比如在饭店打工和照看孩子。
Wait till the Good Lord provides me with a clutch of grandchildren, so I can occupy my evenings babysitting? 等着好心的上帝给我一群孙子的羁绊,这样我就可以用看管小孩来打发我的晚上时间?
If you have a friend or group of friends, you could arrange to share babysitting services a few times a month so that others in the group get some time alone. 如果你有一个或一组朋友,你可以安排分摊照看小孩儿的任务,一个月几次,这样组中的其他人可以拥有一些自己的时间。
Somebody please explain to me how I ended up babysitting this guy? 谁能告诉我怎么会要我当这家伙的保姆?
I'm gonna register with a babysitting service. 我想注册个保姆服务。
Caroline earns extra money by babysitting. 卡洛琳靠给人做保姆多赚些钱。