Rim tried to remedy this by announcing it would support Android apps, but this may be backfiring. 为了扭转这一局面,RIM宣布将支持Android应用程序,但这可能将适得其反。
In fact, the worriers actually showed a paradoxical backfiring effect in their brains when asked to decrease their negative emotions, he explained in a statement. 事实上,忧虑者在被要求减少负面情绪的时候竟然产生了矛盾的逆反效应,他在一项陈述中解释道。
A car backfiring, for instance, can set off an emotional response in a combat veteran if the loud noise becomes associated in his mind with a wartime experience. 比如,汽车爆胎会让退伍老兵产生情绪化的反应,只要他的脑子将这声巨响同战争中的某次经历联系在了一起。
Mr. Zhang says fear of reform backfiring in the property market could play out a different way too& by becoming a big obstacle to pushing through reforms already pledged by China's leaders. 张智威说,对改革在房地产市场产生反作用的担忧还可能产生另外的效果&成为推进中国领导人已承诺改革的一个重大障碍。
Substantially reduce the ratio of non-performing assets The EPA's rules about what constitutes hazardous waste are backfiring against the nationwide recycling effort. 分离和收回不良资产环保署关于有害物质的法规同全国资源回收的工作正好唱反调。
A sudden report rang out& like the sound of a car backfiring. 突然响起一声爆裂声&像汽车的逆火声。
History shows that the assistance the US gives to any of these countries end up backfiring in everyone's face. 从历史上看,美国帮助的国家往往在最后反咬一口。
Politically, the new austerity programme is backfiring already. 从政治上来说,新的紧缩计划已经在产生反作用。
But whether the landings are soft or hard, any sustained slowdown or backfiring of credit booms in Brazil and China is bad news for western banks looking to emerging market growth to offset to struggling business prospects back home. 但不管是软着陆还是硬着陆,对于指望新兴市场增长来抵消本国艰难业务前景之不利影响的西方银行而言,巴西和中国信贷热潮的持续放缓或倒退都是个坏消息。
Yet a nagging worry is expressed by some regulators, bankers and other experts within the financial services industry that these reforms, like others in the past, risk backfiring. 但不少监管官员、银行家及金融服务业的其他专家都有一个挥之不去的担忧:即这些改革有可能与以往的其他改革一样,产生事与愿违的结果。
I was woken by the sound of a truck backfiring. 我被卡车引擎发出的回火声吵醒了。