He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned. 他戴了顶草帽,以免正在谢顶的脑袋被太阳晒到。
The man was jowly, unshaven, balding. 那个男人长着双下巴,胡子拉碴,快要谢顶了。
He is not old but is already balding. 他年龄并不老,可是已经谢顶了。
With New York easing its way into spring, being outdoors under a blue sky is almost as refreshing as the chance to stab a thumbtack into a fat, balding, caricature of a boss. 伴因为纽约逐渐进入春天,在蓝天下的户外活动就和把钉子钉进一个肥胖,秃顶的漫画老板的身上一样让人觉得过瘾。
Hey, I just met you, but listen to me talk about my past relationships, my nagging digestive problems and my balding hair. 嗨,我们刚认识,不过听我来聊聊我之前的恋情,我讨厌的消化问题还有我的秃头吧。
You certainly wouldn'tsee many paunchy, balding, older guys on TV. 你将绝对不会在电视上看见很多大腹便便,秃顶,衰老的男人。
I turned to see a balding man who was approaching middle age. 我回过头,看到一个已近中年尧有些谢顶的男人。
Miss Pao rushed into the arms of a balding, dark, pudgy man in big glasses. 鲍小姐扑向一个半秃顶、戴大眼镜的黑胖子怀里。
Thurman and a balding guy with glasses. 科曼和一个带眼镜的光头男子。
I can understand why allowing yourself to go bald and then later transplanting the balding scalp makes sense in theory however, there's one factor you may not be considering. 我明白为什么你允许你自己的头顶变秃了,且在秃顶之后再做植发手术在理论上是没问题的。
You're not my type and you're balding. 你不是我喜欢的类型,况且你还秃头。
Eammon was plump and balding but very attractive to women. 埃蒙又胖又秃,可还是很吸引女人。
The balding man then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying them all. 之后,秃头男人还掏出一瓶香水,向信封上喷。
A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. 一天,一个男子走进邮局,看到一位中年秃头男人正在柜台边有条不紊地在布满桃心图案的淡粉色信封上粘贴爱情图案的邮票。
Moreover, a lot of balding men wear wigs. 不少秃顶的人戴假发。
Cauley is slightly balding and barrel-chested, and his Kentucky accent is thick, his speech plainspoken and straightforward. 考利有点秃顶而且是个水桶胸,他的肯塔基口音非常重,他讲话开门见山直截了当。
Super Growth Tonic activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. 超级增长发根凝胶能激活和促进健康头皮上发根增长。
James is a balding middle-aged New York builder built like a tank. 詹姆斯是纽约一个开始秃头的中年建筑商,他的体型像坦克一样。
A tall man, balding. 一个高个秃顶的人。
Fenton was a thin, balding and ascetic man. 芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人。
He hates to be teased about his balding head. 他不喜欢人家取笑他的秃头。
Super Growth Shampoo activate and promoting hair to growth at balding area on a healthy scalp. 超级生发精华激活和促进健康头皮头发增长。
Balding Candidate excused himself and returned to the office a few minutes later wearing a headpiece. 一个光头的应聘者,请求出去一下,几分钟后回来戴了一顶帽子。
Fenton, thin, balding and ascetic, was another veteran. 芬顿身材瘦削,秃顶,是个清心寡欲的人,也是一个老手了。
Hair loss: I was balding anyway, so chemo saved me from comb-over delusions. 掉头发:反正我正在成为一个秃头,化疗挽救了我妄图梳头的幻想。
The old fellow is going bald on top. Moreover, a lot of balding men wear wigs. 那位老兄正在秃顶。不少秃顶的人戴假发。
"I find that balding young men are afraid that their social situation will get worse," says Dr. 我发现秃头的年轻男性害怕他们在社交方面的处境会变差。
The problem of balding could be treated with good results in the early stages. 秃头的问题在初期可以有效的治疗。
Stress is absolutely a cause of balding, but it is not the biggest cause. 压力是绝对的一个原因秃头,但它并不是最大的原因。
'Earlier in my career, someone said to me that my challenge was that I was not male, middle-aged and balding.' 之前甚至有人对我说,我事业面临的重大挑战是,我不是男人,未到中年,而且没有秃顶。