VERB 突然变得煞白 If you blanch, you suddenly become very pale.
His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform... 他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。
She felt herself blanch at the unpleasant memories. 一回想起那些不愉快的事情,她觉得自己的脸刷地就白了。
VERB 退缩;回避 If you say that someone blanches at something, you mean that they find it unpleasant and do not want to be involved with it.
Everything he had said had been a mistake. He blanched at his miscalculations... 他所说的一切都是错的。他回避了自己的判断错误。
There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair. 有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到轮椅就退缩。
VERB 焯 If you blanch vegetables, fruit, or nuts, you put them into boiling water for a short time, usually in order to remove their skins, or to prepare them for freezing.
His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform 他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。
Everything he had said had been a mistake. He blanched at his miscalculations 他所说的一切都是错的。他回避了自己的判断错误。
Most major magazine publishers, when shown this screen by Apple ( AAPL) representatives, blanched. 当苹果公司(Apple)的销售代表向主要的杂志出版商显示此弹出窗口时,多数人脸都吓得煞白。
The Iron Duke remained calm, but his lips blanched. 那位铁公爵②貌似镇静,但嘴唇却发白了。
A gas-station attendant, his face blanched with fear, sees it and screams; all we see is his body being jerked out of the frame. 被吓得脸色惨白的加气站服务员亲眼目睹了那个东西并发出了惨叫声;被发现时他的身体已经扭曲变形。
First potatoes are harvested from fields before being peeled, cut and blanched. 首先,土豆在剥皮,切割和热溶之前从地里被收割起。
Edgar sprang to his unbidden guest, blanched with astonishment and rage. 埃德加冲向这位不速之客,脸色因惊愕与愤怒而发白。
The creditors the 18 other eurozone countries, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund blanched. 债权人们其他18个欧元区国家、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织则脸色煞白。
In a few seconds she stretched herself out stiff, and turned up her eyes, while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death. 只几秒钟,她就挺直了身体,眼睛上翻,她的双颊顿时一阵白、一阵青,像是要死的神气。
The colonel's face suddenly blanched, as if a shell had fallen beside him. 就好像身边爆开了一颗***,雷参谋的脸色突然变了。
Tom blanched and dropped his eyes. 汤姆脸色发白,眼睛也直往下望。
Incessant plastic surgery and blanched skin gave him a bizarre, ghoulish look. 一次次的整形手术,以及漂白过的皮肤,让他看上去像食尸鬼般可怖和怪异。
Their faces blanched in terror. I was dreadful to see him lying there white as a sheet and in such a pain. 他们的脸因恐惧而吓得发白看到他躺在那里,脸色刷白,痛得要命,我吓坏了。
Her face blanched with fear at the news of her daughter's accident. 听到她女儿发生车祸的消息她吓得脸色刷白。
His lips were bluish, his cheeks blanched. 他嘴唇微微发青,脸色发白。
He turned round, sounding a little more conciliatory. Her cheeks blanched slightly. 他回过脸来,稍微和缓些。她的面色略微转白了些。
Their faces blanched in terror. 他们的脸因恐惧而吓得发白。
He blanched at the news. 他因那消息而变苍白。
He blanched at the sight of the snake. 他看见蛇脸色煞白。
She blanched to hear the bad news. 听到这坏消息,她顿然失色。
This could help primates tell if a potential mate is rosy from good health or if an enemy is blanched with alarm. 这可能有助于灵长类动物判断们中意的对象气色是否红润,或敌人是否因为们的警告而脸色苍白。
Only parts eaten are roots and especially stalks ( blanched and used as celery); related to artichokes. 根部尤其茎(去皮后跟芹菜一样)可食用;与朝鲜蓟同种。
The long illness has blanched her cheeks. 久病已使她的脸颊变苍白。
Some backbenchers also blanched at the micro-managing zeal with which Mr Osborne announced a slew of infrastructure projects both large and tiny ( see article). 一些普通议员反对奥斯伯恩先生对于微管理的做法,当他宣布对于大小不一的基础设置施行平衡管理的时候。
Andrea blushed imperceptibly. Her cheeks blanched slightly. 安德烈略微涨红了脸。她的面色略微转白了些。
At the sight of Cowperwood he actually blanched. 一看到柯帕乌,他真是面如纸色了。
The men returned, their faces blanched. 男人们脸色苍白地回来了。
But even he might have blanched in disbelief considering the current state and potential horror of its consequences. 但是,即使他可能在难以置信的苍白考虑到目前的状况和潜在的可怕的后果。
The girl blanched with fear when she saw the bear coming. 那女孩见熊(向她)走来,吓得脸都白了。
The gingival tissue, however should not remain blanched. 牙龈组织,但是不应该停留在脱皮。