But my point isthat because of computer weirdness, I regularly see an entire morning's work? Sometimes as many as18 words? Get blipped away forever to the planet of lost data. 不过我要说的是,由于电脑的古怪脾气,我经常看到整整一个早上的工作成果有时候多达18个单词永远消失了,去了“丢失的数据之星”。
A censor blipped the swear words. 审查员把粗鄙的话用哗哗声消掉。
I don't know the name of the old product; they've blipped it out. 我不知道老产品的名字;他们在广播时把名字擦掉了。
The name of that old product was blipped out. 那种老产品的名字在广播时被消掉了。