The United Nations brokered a peace in Mogadishu at the end of March. 3月末,联合国出面在摩加迪沙进行了和平调解。
The location became famous for the1978 Camp David peace accords, brokered by President Jimmy carter, between Israel and egypt. 1978年9月,埃、以、美三方在美国的戴维营达成和解协议,戴维营也因此出名。
WebSphere Portal introduces the notion of a brokered inter-portlet interaction mechanism. WebSpherePortal引入了代理的Portlet交互机制这一概念。
Brokered ESB exhibits the following request flow: A requester requests a service from its local ESB. 代理ESB显示以下请求流程:请求者从其本地ESB请求一个服务。
Like the previous pattern, the Brokered ESB pattern fits businesses with multiple geographies or divisions. 与前一个模式类似,代理ESB模式适合具有多个区域或部门的业务。
The event model that JSR286 defines is a loosely-coupled, brokered event model. JSR286定义的事件模型是一种松耦合的代理事件模型。
Services can be used synchronously and asynchronously, and invocation is generally brokered by an integration infrastructure. 可以同步和异步使用服务,调用通常由集成基础设施代理。
Egypt brokered the truce in diplomatic efforts that also included Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. 埃及促成了这次的停火协议,其中也包含了美国国务卿希拉里克林顿和联合国秘书长潘基文的外交斡旋。
An agreement that it brokered to share intelligence a few years ago fell apart because of such antagonism. 几年前,美国曾牵线促成两国达成一项情报共享的协议,但由于两国之间的敌意,协议破裂。
I'm trying to find out who brokered the marriage. 我试图找出是谁撮合了联姻。
I believe he brokered them to fayed. 我相信他把它们卖给了费耶德。
We test the hypothesis that brokered ideas are less likely to be used in future creative efforts. 我们检验了在进一步的创造性努力中,经纪人思想更不可能被使用的假设。
A peace accord brokered by the un. 由联合国安排签订的和平协议。
Your husband brokered the deal to go in, Transfrer the assets and get our man out. 你丈夫后来插了一脚,把生意都抢了过去,我们的人也被挤了出来。
He brokered a non binding agreement with other world powers to fight global warming, averting the collapse of an international summit meeting. 他与世界上其他力量达成的非绑定协议来对抗全球变换,避免国际首脑会议崩溃。
The Ministry of Finance, meanwhile, brokered a rare international consensus on currency intervention, helping to steady the yen. 与此同时,日本财务省就汇率干预问题促成了一项罕见的国际共识,帮助稳定了日元。
Beckett had just brokered an underhanded deal with cigliutti. 贝克特刚刚和西格鲁提进行了一场秘密交易。
Mr Leung, a former Hong Kong Financial Secretary, has already brokered two landmark Chinese investments in 2007. 曾担任香港财政司司长的梁锦松,2007年已在中国内地促成两笔具有里程碑意义的投资。
Brokered deals are more likely to receive assumed mortgage financing. 有经纪人参与的交易更可能得到现有的按揭融资。
Then any suggestions on how we can delay a plea agreement being brokered on the sixth floor? 谁有没有什么好的建议,我们如何才能拖延在六楼举行的申辩协议会?
Washington brokered the peace deal and has close links with the SPLM. 美国是苏丹和平协议的中间人,与“苏人解”有着密切的关系。
The British finally brokered a ceasefire where the two sides shared rule until Soviet rule in1920. 最后,英国出面调解停战,交战双方共同管理边界直至1920年苏维埃建立政权接管后方告结束。
He brokered a closed-door deal. 他在私底下谈判了一笔交易。
She agrees that some brokered marriages work, but she says agencies sometimes create unrealistic expectations in men. 她肯定一些中介公司的工作,但她说中介公司有时给男人们提供一些不切合实际的期望。
It was Ovitz who brokered the multi-billion dollar deal between the two companies. 正是奥维茨从中促成了两家公司间数十亿美元的生意。
He is serving as a caretaker and remains involved in U.S.-brokered negotiations launched almost a year ago. 他目前担任过渡政府的总理,他也仍然参与在美国斡旋下大约一年前开始进行的谈判。
Who brokered the sale of the nerve gas to bierko. 他是同比尔科交易神经毒气的中间人。
Many of these collaborations were brokered via style coalition, which represents 40 bloggers. 这些合作中很多都是由stylecoalition牵线搭桥的,它是40%博主的代理人。
The new deal has been brokered by the un. 新协议由联合国撮合促成。