Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in word-processing and computing 开设了非全日制的英语班。另外,学生可以修读文字处理和计算机课程。
Most adult education centres offer computing courses. 大多数成教中心都设有计算机课程。
An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree. 计算才能对于攻读这个学位的学生有益处。
But by the year 2020 business computing will have changed beyond recognition. 但是到了2020年,商业计算会变得面目全非。
McNally has spent 17 years at the bleeding edge of computing. 麦克纳利已经在计算技术的最前沿工作了17年。
Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry. 我们的名册中有大约12%的人供职于计算机行业。
Courses range from cookery to computing. 课程多种多样,从烹调到计算机操作应有尽有。
Many graduates are employed in the electronics and computing industries. 很多毕业生就职于电子和计算机行业。
I took a correspondence course in computing. 我选了一门计算机函授课程。
Computing science was still in its infancy. 计算科学仍然处于初期阶段。
This was the company's first step into the mainstream of scientific and commercial computing 这是该公司向主流科学与商业计算领域迈出的第一步。
Did you have any preconceptions about the sort of people who did computing? 你对从事计算机工作的人有什么成见吗?
Never before has computing been so versatile. 计算机的用途从没像现在这么广泛过。
She put 〔 turned 〕 her computing skills to good account. 她善于利用她精于计算的长处。
IBM has redefined collaboration to take full advantage of the potential that social computing and Web2.0 offer. IBM对协作进行了重新定义,充分利用了社会计算和Web2.0提供的潜力。
Figure 1 shows layered cloud computing with the three models. 图1显示了三个模型分层的云计算。
Joyent's cloud computing is designed with scalability in mind. Joyent的云计算在设计时就考虑到了可伸缩性。
The other is running proprietary APIs on another vendor's cloud computing environment. 另一个则在另外一个厂商的云计算环境上运行了专有API。
Infrastructure as a service offers computing capabilities and basic storage as standardized services over the network. 基础设施即服务提供了计算功能和基本存储作为网络上的标准服务。
The flexibility and economic benefits of cloud computing have generated a tremendous amount of interest. 云计算的灵活性和经济效益产生了巨大的利益。
One uses industry-standard APIs running on one vendor's cloud computing environment. 一个在某个厂商的云计算环境中使用了行业标准API。
This creates problems of achieving interoperability of applications between these two cloud computing vendors. 这就造成了两家云计算供应商之间的互操作性问题。
Cloud computing and grid computing are scalable. 云计算和网格计算都是可伸缩的。
Cloud computing enhances business agility through consumable services for infrastructures, platforms, and applications. 云计算通过对基础设施、平台和应用程序的可消费服务增强了业务的灵活性。
Cloud computing is not just about scalable infrastructures and platform portability through virtualization. 云计算不仅仅是通过虚拟化提供可伸缩的基础设施和平台可移植性。
His currents interests include SOA and web services, Quantum Computers, and Cloud Computing. 他目前感兴趣的领域包括SOA和web服务、量子计算机和云计算。
Cloud computing and big data are changing the enterprise. 云计算和大数据正在改变企业现状。
Cloud computing is a reality that has changed both business and development models for online businesses. 云计算事实上改变了在线业务的业务模型和开发模型。
Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in how we architect and deliver scalable applications. 云计算影响了我们设计和交付可伸缩应用程序的方式。
His interests are Web services, SOA, Distributed Computing, and Cryptography. 他感兴趣的领域包括Web服务、SOA、分布式计算和密码系统。